
AcademicWritersDen.com boasts a team of highly skilled and experienced writers who specialize in various academic fields. The company carefully selects its writers through a rigorous screening process to ensure that they possess the necessary qualifications and expertise. Whether it’s an essay, research paper, or any other homework assignment, students can rely on AcademicWritersDen.com to connect them with professionals who have an in-depth understanding of the subject matter. This ensures that the work delivered is of high quality and meets the academic standards set by educational institutions.

I have a 20-page bibliography paper for the whole semester. The topic is Which Rehabilitation Programs Reduce Recidivism in sex offenders.

it will be turned in four parts which are Paper Cover & Introduction(1), Literature Review(2), Reporting Research Results(3), Results/conclusion (4). Now we”ll need to finish the fourth parts Results/conclusion please help finish it.

  • All papers must be typed, double-spaced, using a12-point font (Arial, Times New Roman, Helvetica); use standard margins
  • Paper must be written in an essay format (e.g., full sentences); do not insert extra line breaks between paragraphs or manipulate margins to lengthen your paper
  • APA format.

I hope you will help me do the rest part of the paper in the future if you help me with this part. I want the paper to be done by the same person from the beginning to the end.


The final stage of the paper should discuss the source material and what discussion and conclusions can be made. Final results/conclusion must be based on the literature presented, not a personal opinion or bias. Is there a conclusive answer to your topic question? Is it inconclusive? Is more research necessary? If so, what would you ask? What would your study or research design look like?3-4 pages. What are the findings in relation to your topic question? The answer must be based on the information discussed in the Literature Review and Methodology Sections. Is more research necessary? If so, how could it be done?

I already attached the very detailed instruction with a powerpoint file below. Please follow carefully with the instruction. Also, the first three parts of the essay (Paper Cover & Introduction) and (Literature Review) and the (method section) which are done are also attached. Please try to connect this part (Results/conclusion)with the first three parts (Paper Cover & Introduction) and (Literature Review) and (method section)which I already attached as to make it seems like the essay is written by the same person.

I will tip you if the work is good.


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