3 pages due by 15 hour
Hello,I have the following new job. Is to apply for a master program in Counseling and they need an essay as follow; The applicant worked in admission department at college as out reach ambassador to help students from the middle east to get register in college, applicant speaks English and Arabic. I need it by tomorrow please.PERSONAL STATEMENT / ESSAY (REQUIRED)In the Documents section, under Personal Statement, please upload your Personal Statement. Please type your statement, using double spacing and at least 12 point font.Write a 2-3 page personal statement based on the following prompt:What interests you about our hybrid online program or Certificate only program compared to other training programs?What personal experiences have been important in helping you prepare to be a mental health professional, counselor, or educator?What unique multicultural experiences have you experienced in your life that have been meaningful to you in preparing to work as a mental health professional, counselor, or educator?What specific events, in your schooling or working life, stand out to you as important stepping stones for training to be a mental health professional, counselor, or educator?