a) Using decimal numbers to represent the value of each fieldand assuming that “here” labels the ins

a) Using decimal numbers to represent the value of each fieldand assuming that “here” labels the instruction at address0x400020, write the MIPS machine language code for each of thefollowing assembly language instructions: here:

lw $t0, 0($s0)

bne $t0, $zero, NegNum


add $s0, $s0, $s1

j here

NegNum: Clearly indicate the instruction format (R, I, or J) used by eachinstruction. Note that 0x400020 = 419433610. [NOTE: if you prefer,you may write the jump address – only — as a hexadecimalnumber!] b) Show the 32-bit BINARY representation of the add instructionfrom part (a), clearly separating the groups of bits comprisingeach field (opcode, rs, etc.). Attached

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