accounting and corpora, accounting homework help
The aim of this assignment is to test your knowledge and understanding of key accounting and corporate finance concepts, theories and tools that can be used to critically analyse organisations. Required: You are required to select a company quoted on the FTSE 250 index Introduce the company, about the product or services, location, turnover, number of employees, etc. You must act as an adviser to an investor and make sure your conclusion is ended up advising the investor. The report should be maximum 2,500 words which covers the following issues for the last five years: Section A 1. Identify the Profits, earnings- discuss, the 5 years trend, economic condition, calculate the ratios and interpret the results for 5 years on the financial performance 2. Identify dividends (including a comprehensive ratio analysis). Calculate the ratios and interpret the results for 5 years on the financial performance 3. Financial stability and liquidity (including a comprehensive ratio analysis) calculate the ratios and interpret the results for 5 years on the financial performance +/-1500 Words Section B 1. Research the webpage for any information about the company’s performance or any news that has an impact on their performance. 2. Then critically have a reflection on the company portrayed by journalists and other financial reports, please make sure you reference where you got the information from. 3. An evaluation of the corporate governance of the company. Identify the number Directors what their position are, Non -Executive Directors, Independent, Female, Ethnic background and how the diversity of this board structure contribute to the organisation, address the UK code of governance 2014. 4. Identify the asset value per share and the current market share price and assess whether or not your selected company represents an investment opportunity. +/-1000 words You can use the FTSE sector classification (Link available below) to identify companies within their sectoral classifications.… It is essential that all sources of information are correctly referenced using the Harvard system. Maximum words: 2,500words The final assignment must be submitted electronically through “submit your work” on this NILE site
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