Biology Lab Work 7 assistance

Pre-Lab QuestionsWould you expect endangered species to be more frequently generalists or specialists? Explain your answer.How does temperature affect water availability in an ecosystem?Choose a species and describe some adaptations that species developed that allow them to survive in their native habitat.Experiment 1: Effects of pH on Radish Seed GerminationData Tables and Post-Lab AssessmentTable 1: pH and % Radish Seed GerminationStage/Day ObservationsAcetic AcidSodium BicarbonateWaterInitial pHDay 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5Day 6Day 7Post-Lab QuestionsCompare and construct a line graph based on the data from Table 1 in the space below. Place the day on the x axis, and the number of seeds germinated on the y axis. Be sure to include a title, label the x and y axes, and provide a legend describing which line corresponds to each plate (e.g., blue = acetic acid, green = sodium bicarbonate, etc…).Was there any noticeable effect on the germination rate of the radish seeds as a result of the pH? Compare and contrast the growth rate for the control with the alkaline and acidic solutions.According to your results would you say that the radish has a broad pH tolerance? Why or why not? Use your data to support your answer.Knowing that acid rain has a pH of 2 – 3 would you conclude that crop species with a narrow soil pH range are in trouble? Explain why, or why not, using scientific reasoning. Is acid rain a problem for plant species and crops?Research and briefly describe a real world example about how acid rain affect plants. Be sure to demonstrate how pH contributes to the outcome, and proposed solutions (if any). Descriptions should be approximately 2 – 3 paragraphs. Include at least three citations (use APA formatting).

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