Chapter 11: Improving Decision Making, 4 essay questions help
1.Bazerman and Moore suggest that we should understand the biases of others. Discuss this concept in terms of why it is important for us to understand other peoples’ biases. In your discussion, focus on how you might be able to improve your decision-making in a group setting.
Your response should consist of no less than 200 words and CITED
2.Describe the concept of analogical reasoning. Then, considering your last purchase decision, discuss how analogical reasoning could have helped you to improve your decision and increase your satisfaction with the product or service that you purchased.
Your response should consist of no less than 200 words and CITED
3.Discuss the three-staged de-biasing process (unfreezing, change, and refreezing) and explain the mechanisms that make each of them hard to implement. In your discussion, include how you believe such a process can help you, personally, to improve your decision-making.
Your response should consist of no less than 200 words.Cited
4.Describe the concept of linear decision-making. Also, discuss how a linear decision-making model could have helped you in making a past decision.
Your response should consist of no less than 200 words.Cited
Bazerman, M. H., & Moore, D. A. (2009). Judgment in managerial decision making (7th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
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