Create a new Console Application project and write a program to print a number to console as a…

Create a new Console Application project and write a program to print a number to console as a word.

This program is to replace for you a traditional ‘Hello World’ example. It is required to accept an integer

value as input (i.e. numbers 1 to 9), and then print the corresponding word on screen (i.e. “ONE”, “TWO”,

… , “NINE”). If anything other than 1 to 9 is entered, then an error message is displayed. This simple

program is used to make you thinking about validation; that is, has the user input only integer values

between 1 and 9? If not, then we need to output an error message.

Give a new name to the main class by renaming the default Program class name (and the associated file

name) to IfStatement in the Solution Explorer of your IDE (Microsoft Visual Studio or Studio Code). Type

the following code into the main IfStatement class and complete the other else if statements.

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