Design and carry out experimentation to fulfil the brief given for your appointed role and report… 1 answer below »
There are varying roles undertaken by chemists in various industries. This practical will
explore the same experiment from three different perspectives;
1. A research and development (R&D) chemist employed by Company C
2. A quality control (QC) chemist employed by Company A
3. A quality control (QC) chemist employed by Company B
R&D Chemist
Responsible for the research and development of different products. They may be
involved in the design of different products, or the re-development and improvement of
an existing product.
QC Chemist
Utilises chemistry lab skills to test and measure materials to determine whether the
product or substance meets the reported standard or requirements.
Experiment Design
An understanding of how experiments are designed and structured, and ideas about
reliability, causality and validity are essential to enable critical evaluation of scientific
information. Designing an experiment requires scientific understanding. These
concepts need to be carefully considered and the design adapted and refined after
testing to produce a procedure that gives good quality evidence or data. Many of the
scientific techniques that need to be learned by rote, such as titration, are protocols
developed by previous scientists, with consideration for these key ideas, to ensure that
the data produced are of the highest possible quality. Designing a new experimental
method is a very different skill to carrying out a learned protocol. This activity allows
that skill to be practised with a focus on the processes involved.
Experiments are designed to allow the collection of evidence or data. Measurement is
central to the collection of scientific evidence, but how a measurement is carried out
and the choice of the apparatus used is key to understanding the quality of the
evidence. This activity, set in a very simple context, allows the exploration of some of
these issues. Treatment of data, using the mean, range, standard deviation and
standard error, is also investigated.
Think carefully about each step of this activity. Try not to focus on the outcome, but
on the reasoning behind any experimental decisions or assumptions made. Different
people within a group, and different groups, will come up with different ideas to
tackle this exercise. This is encouraged as the discussion around each idea is
essential to develop understanding. There is no single right answer or expected
outcome for this activity, although some methods may give better quality data than
others. Learning about and understanding the planning process and the ideas
detailed above is the desired outcome. The aim is to develop understanding of some
key ideas about data, evidence, measurement and experimental design by exploring
many different possibilities.
1. There is a pre-work quiz you should complete in UTSOnline that covers the
different types of variables in experimental design
2. Organise and bring a laboratory notebook to your practical class (A4 size)
The aims of the class are;
• To design and carry out experimentation to fulfil the brief given for your
appointed role and report on your findings in an objective manner
• To develop an understanding of the ideas behind experimental design and
measurement and perform a valid experiment with consideration to the different
types of variables
• To discuss and develop understanding of the use of mean values, ranges,
standard deviations and standard errors in reporting experimental findings