Discussion 2

In the Interview Video with Sherwood Washburn, identify key subject areas of discussion that are raised. There is a lot of ‘name dropping’ done by the interviewer (Prof. Charles Wagley), and they do cover a lot of ground, but to the best of your ability (recognizing the fact that much of this subject matter may be new to you), list the key subject areas discussed and the major researchers associated (e.g., Dobzhansky, Hooton, Tozzer, E.O. Wilson). Do a google search on some of the names mentioned. This interview was conducted in 1984, a generation after Prof. Washburn’s ‘call to arms’ redefining the New Physical Anthropology (1951). How does it seem the field changed from the 1950s to the mid-1980s? At this point in the course, do you have a sense how the field has changed since 1984 (a generation later). How do you think Prof. Washburn was a catalyst for change in the field?DirectionsYour responses should be no more than a paragraph or two. Be sure to respond to another student’s post. Have your initial response done by the due date and your response done before the close date (two days after due date).

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