ECO10001 – create and present revision class activities e.g. two MCQs and 2 substantive… 1 answer below »
ECO10001 Introduction to the Sections of the Portfolio Assessment – x/30m
o General Comments
In educational settings, a portfolio assessment is a compilation of materials that demonstrates a
student’s understandings and skills developed.
In ECO1001 the Portfolio Assessment has 3 sections which are:
i. A short ‘Student Prepared Revision Exercise with Answers’ – x/5 marks,
ii. ‘Peer-Review Evaluations’ of the student prepared revision exercise and answers – x/5
iii. A longer ‘ULO Portfolio Assessment’ to illustrate and demonstrate understanding of the
ECO10001 Unit Learning Objectives – x/20 marks.
The Student Prepared Revision Exercise with Answers and the Written Portfolio components are
group-based activities (maximum three students per group) whilst the Peer Review Evaluations are
individual-based .
o Comments on the Student Prepared Revision Exercise and Peer-Review Evaluations
It is expected student groups prepare class revision exercises from a previous topic taught, usually
from the previous week. Students are to take responsibility forming their own groups and obtain
teacher endorsement. A schedule for Revision Exercise times will be arranged by the teacher and
student groups will be invited to choose presentation dates. All topics planned should have teacher
prior approval. Ideally there will be one presentation per tutorial date identified. More particular
expectations are:
i. Small student groups are to create and present revision class activities e.g. two MCQs and
2 substantive short answer questions. Revision class activities may draw from the Group
Revision Exercises found in student topic notes but chosen activities should be discussed
with the teacher prior to the presentation. Class members are expected to attempt
(individually or in groups) the Revision exercises prepared by the small group. When
sufficient time has elapsed (e.g. 5 minutes) and with the teacher’s consent, the student
group will publish their prepared answers and the teacher will invite the class to discuss
and make constructive comments about the prepared exercises and answers. Presenting
groups should submit their Portfolio Student Prepared Revision Exercise with Answers in
Word format to Canvas via TurnItIn prior to the event. The Exercise format should the
questions for students to attempt first, and the detailed ‘answers’ second. Students should
note that the teacher’s marking criteria is based primarily on the quality of the written
answers supplied (as are the Peer Reviews). Students presenting should make themselves
familiar with the marking matrix.
Foundation & Pathways
Economic Principles ECO10001
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ii. At the conclusion of the Student Prepared Revision Exercise, all students not having
presented are invited to complete, in that tutorial time only, an on-line Peer Review
Evaluation of the Student Prepared Revision Exercise. Students complete up to a maximum
of 5 Peer Review Evaluations for the Teaching Period and reasoned peer assessments will
be awarded 1 mark each.
iii. The teacher will assess the presenting student group’s written answers (x/5) using the
same criteria that are part the Peer Review Evaluation checklist. This checklist can be
viewed in the Assignments module in Canvas.