egyptian-delights-management-essay boasts a team of highly skilled and experienced writers who specialize in various academic fields. The company carefully selects its writers through a rigorous screening process to ensure that they possess the necessary qualifications and expertise. Whether it’s an essay, research paper, or any other homework assignment, students can rely on to connect them with professionals who have an in-depth understanding of the subject matter. This ensures that the work delivered is of high quality and meets the academic standards set by educational institutions.


Throughout the course, you have learned a wide array of business concepts and theories. This assignment is designed to have you demonstrate knowledge of the course material learned in the course applying concepts and theories to a case scenario.

Outcomes Met With This Assignment:

After completing this course, you should be able to:

  • identify the critical business functions and how they interact in order to position the organization to be effective in the current business environment
  • explain the importance of the integration of individuals and systems to organizational effectiveness
  • describe the ethical and social responsibilities that confront a business

This project is the second of two projects. You will read a case scenario related to starting a small business. Many of the concepts learned in the course are seen in this project. The project requires you to go beyond mentioning concepts but requires you to apply the concepts.

A requirement of this project is to write a report. In business, a report is formal document that addresses specific information with a clear purpose and to a particular audience. Information is presented in a clearly structured format that uses headings to help a reader easily read, follow and locate information. This report does not have recommendations as it is informational only.

The expectation is that you provide a robust use of the course readings and research to support ideas, reasoning and conclusions. This means that you will present an idea and then use the research and the course readings to explain what you presented. Stringing one sentence after another using the course readings or research does not meet the requirement and does not demonstrate critical thinking. Critical thinking is demonstrated when the “why and how” and the “who and what” are thoroughly explained.

Read the following case scenario:

Susan Smart and her husband Max love to bake. They also love to travel. After a recent trip to Egypt the couple returned to their home anxious to try to duplicate the two desserts they had found, Umm Alli and Qatayef. Umm Alli is a phyllo pastry layered with milk, double cream, and nuts (sometimes, raisins or dates are added). The dessert is baked in a large pan. When done, the dessert can be cut into bars much like brownies. Qatayef, on the other hand, is like Pierogis. They are crescent shaped dough pockets stuffed with double cream, nuts or custard and baked. The treats are very popular in Egypt and frequently sold by street vendors. They are often accompanied by coffee. Drinking coffee is a favorite Egyptian past time and social activity, one that has become popular in America as well.

Susan and Max live in Athens, Georgia. As college professors at University of Georgia, the couple feels handicapped by having to travel in the summer when travel is most expensive for Americans. Also, the couple’s teaching contracts obligate them to teach at least two summer classes. They are eligible to take one year off every seven years for sabbatical leave. In addition, the couple must show evidence of scholarly work at the end of each year (i.e. book, community clinic service, journal, documentary, etc.). The couple has often thought that they would love to start a small business so that they could have more flexible travel plans. “Truthfully,” Susan says, “we would be truly happy if we had the money and the time to travel.”

The last trip abroad gave them a great idea – Why not start a mobile coffee café that sells Egyptian coffee and desserts? They could get a small food truck and set up tables and chairs outside the truck bringing them inside at the end of the day. Susan and Max could move the truck around the city working the hours they wanted and build a broad customer base between the college and downtown businesses. They believe that this concept is a great new twist on a café.

The couple loves the café idea and have decided to consider moving forward by researching the commercial viability of the business. They start by consulting other small business owners in the area and made an appointment with the local Small Business Association (SBA) and SCORE, a non-profit associated that helps small businesses get started. The couple wants to gather the critical data needed to determine how best to prepare for opening “Egyptian Delights”. Susan and Max uncovered the following facts and articles in researching their business opportunity.


  • 79% of first year small businesses succeed. 50% of all small businesses fail after five years and 33% survive after 10 years in business
  • Small business is the backbone of Athens, Georgia’s local economy


Do you remember the enthusiasm? (2013, October 1). 50 food truck owners speak out: “What I wish I’d known before starting my food truck.” Retrieved from…

Food trucks are advertised as (2016). The complete breakdown of food truck operation costs. Food Truck Empire. Retrieved from

Newtek (2013, February 26). 7 habits of great small business owners. Retrieved from Forbes at…

Productivity Teams (n.d.). 11 challenges startups face. Retrieved from…

Small Business Information, Insight and Resources (2017). Answers to the 20 Most Frequently Asked Question About US Small Business. Retrieved from….

Are you living the dream, or are you living a hectic nightmare? (2014, July 8). Successful entrepreneurs’ secrets to mastering work-life balance. Open Forum Retrieved from…

Small Business Trends (2015, April 20). 3 challenges small business owners face. Retrieved from…

Tools for New Entrepreneurs. (2016, January 7). 8 Challenges Facing the New Entrepreneur. Retrieved from


Step 1: Your Role

The Smarts have come to you for advice because they heard you are a small business consultant and business owner who can help explain some of the concerns that their preliminary investigation has revealed.

Below is a list of considerations that the Smarts have developed for further research and development. The Smarts have asked you to address these consideration by researching and then putting your findings in a report.


Challenges Facing a Startup Business: Currently, the Smarts make a combined income of $140,000 after taxes from their jobs at the University of Georgia. Explain the challenges the Smarts can expect with starting the business in relation to lifestyle, marriage, time management, obtaining health insurance and personal finances.

Building a Team: The Smarts have made it clear that they don’t just want to hire employees but are interested in hiring a team for the Café? Explain why it is important for the Smarts to use a team approach and give a minimum of three examples of specific areas in the business where a team approach can yield improvement.

Marketing: The Smarts know they can create a great product that will be appealing to the public. The Smart know they need to capture the attention of the customers, which is why they believe Egyptian Delights is a good name for the business. However, they want to be sure to have an appealing name and would like know what different marketing tools can be used to determine the best possible name for the business. The Smarts are interested in learning about different tools so it is important not to limit the options to the same methodologies.

Secondly, the Smarts need advice on how to promote the café, its products and how to develop the brand. Explain how the Smarts can use the 4P’s to market the café, its products and build Egyptian Delights’ brand.

Operation Management: In reviewing your notes, you realize that the Smarts have overlooked operations management. You know this is an important area of focus for the business. Explain to the Smarts the definition of operations management and why it is important to their particular business. Explain how attention to operations management impacts the success of the business in terms of employee retention, inventory management, quality control, customer satisfaction and profitability.

Step 2: Write the Report

Create a Word or Rich Text Format (RTF) document using 12-point font. A report is left-justified with no indentations of paragraphs. Double space between paragraphs to make the memorandum easy to read.

The report will be between 2-3 pages in length excluding the title page and reference page. In business, writing must be concise, easy to read and free of writing and grammatical errors.

You are required to use in-text citations and the associated reference will appear in a reference list at the end of the memo (on a separate page).

Use the following in completing the project:

  • Title page with the title, your name, course number and name; date, and the instructor’s name;
  • Overview (brief summary that tells the reader what the report is about; identifies the purpose and the important features of the report).
  • Background (paraphrase and do not copy/paste from the case scenario)
  • Discussion (covers the elements of the considerations)
  • Conclusion (brief, clearly written and specific as to the major features discussed in the report)
  • References (separate page)

Step 3: Review the Report

Read the report to ensure all required elements are present and that the elements address the report requirements. Use the grading rubric to ensure that you gain the most points possible for this assignment.

Step 4: Proofread the report for spelling and grammatical issues, and third person writing.

  • Read the report aloud as a first measure;
  • Use the spell and grammar check in Word as a second measure;
  • Consider submitting the report to the Effective Writing Center (EWC). The EWC will provide 4-6 areas that may need improvement.

Step 5: Submit the report in the Assignment Folder (The assignment submitted to the Assignment Folder will be considered a student’s final product and therefore ready for grading by the instructor. It is incumbent upon the student to verify the assignment is the correct submission. No exceptions will be considered by the instructor).

Preparation for Writing the Report

  • Read the grading rubric for the project. Use the grading rubric while completing the project to ensure all requirements are met that will lead to the highest possible grade.
  • Third person writing is required. Third person means that there are no words such as “I, me, my, we, or us” (first person writing), nor is there use of “you or your” (second person writing). If uncertain how to write in the third person, view this link:….
  • Contractions are not used in business writing, so do not use them.
  • Paraphrase and do not use direct quotation marks. This means you do not use more than four consecutive words from a source document, but put a passage from a source document into your own words and attribute the passage to the source document. Provide the page or paragraph number. Note that a reference within a reference list cannot exist without an associated in-text citation and vice versa.
  • Other than the eBook for the course, you may not use any other books as source material

Criteria 1

Writes an overview that captures the reader’s attention, gives context to the paper, and builds to the thesis that defines the main points to be discussed in the paper.

(0.675 – 0.75)

Writes an overview that provides context to the paper and presents the thesis statement that defines the main points to be discussed in the paper.

(0.600 – 0.674)

Writes an overview that provides a general context to the paper or the thesis is vague or underdeveloped.

(0.525 – 0.599)

Attempts to write an ioverview but has little to no context to the paper and the thesis is missing main points or no thesis statement provided.

(0.450 – 0.524)

No attempt at presenting an overview.


Criteria 2

Explanation of the challenges in starting their own business and what it means personally in terms of lifestyle, marriage and finances is logically concluded using ideas and reasoning (justification) that were thoroughly supported by course material , research and case study facts, and shows insightful understanding of the challenges of starting a business.

(2.025 – 2.25)

Explanation of the challenges in starting their own business and what it means personally in terms of lifestyle, marriage and finances is concluded with most ideas and reasoning (justification) supported using the course material, research and case study facts but some areas are underdeveloped.

(1.8 – 2.024)

Explanation of the challenges in starting their own business and what it means personally in terms of lifestyle, marriage and finances is concluded with some ideas and reasoning (justification) but discussion shows little expansion or is overbroad or undeveloped due to lack of support from course material, research and case study facts.

(1.575 – 1.799)

Explanation of the challenges in starting own business and what it means personally in terms of lifestyle, marriage and finances was general and failed to make logical connections or lacked use of course material, research, and case study facts to support ideas and reasoning (justification).

(1.35 – 1.574)

Challenges in starting own business and what it means personally in terms of lifestyle, marriage and finances are not explained.


Criteria 3

Explains why it is important for the Smarts to use a team approach that is logically concluded using ideas and reasoning (justification) that is thoroughly supported by course material and case study facts, and showed insightful understanding of the building teams.

(2.025 – 2.25)

Explains why it is important for the Smarts to use a team approach that is concluded with most ideas and reasoning (justification) supported using course material and case study facts but some areas are underdeveloped.

(1.8 – 2.024)

Explains why it is important for the Smarts to use a team approach that is concluded with most ideas and reasoning (justification) supported using course material and case study facts but some areas are underdeveloped.

(1.8 – 2.024)

Explanation of why it is important for the Smarts to use a team approach failed to show logical connections because of the lack of support of ideas and reasoning (justification).

(1.35 – 1.574)

Building teams is not discussed.


Five examples of specific areas in the business where a team approach can yield improvement are provided that were thoroughly supported by course material and case study facts, and showed insightful understanding of building teams.

(1.125 – 1.25)

Four examples of specific areas in the business where a team approach can yield improvement are provided that are thoroughly supported by course material and case study facts, and showed insightful understanding of the building teams; or five examples of specific areas in the business where a team approach can yield improvement is concluded with most ideas and reasoning (justification) supported using the course material and case study facts but some areas are underdeveloped.

(1.0 – 1.124)

Three examples of specific areas in the business where a team approach can yield improvement are provided thoroughly supported by course material and case study facts, and shows insightful understanding of the building teams; or more than three examples provided butdiscussion shows little expansion or is overbroad or undeveloped due to lack of support from course material and case study facts.

(0.875 – 0.999)

Less than the minimum number of examples are provided; examples do not adequately address specific areas in the business where a team approach can yield improvement; examples provided without support of course material and case scenario facts.

(0.75 – 0.874)

Did not provide examples.


Discussion of marketing tools to determine the best possible name is logically concluded using ideas and reasoning (justification) that are thoroughly supported by course material and case study facts, and showed insightful understanding of the marketing tools.

(2.025 – 2.25)

Discussion of marketing tools to determine the best possible name is concluded with ideas and reasoning (justification) supported by the course material and case study facts but the logical connections needed some development.

(1.8 – 2.024)

Discussion of marketing tools to determine the best possible name shows little expansion or is overbroad or significantly undeveloped due to lack of support from course material and case study facts.

(1.575 – 1.799)

Discussion of marketing tools to determine the best possible name shows insufficient discussion or did not use the course material or case scenario facts to support the reasoning and conclusions; incorrectly addresses the marketing tools.

(1.35 – 1.574)

Fails to discuss the marketing tools to determine the best possible name.


Explanation of the 4P’s to promote the café, its products and how to develop the brand are logically concluded using ideas and reasoning (justification) that were thoroughly supported by course material and case study facts, and shows insightful understanding of the 4 P’s.

(2.025 – 2.25)

Explanation of the 4P’s to promote the café, its products and how to develop the brand is concluded with ideas and reasoning (justification) supported with the course material and case study facts but the logical connections need some development.

(1.8 – 2.024)

Explanation of the 4P’s to promote the café, its products and how to develop the brand shows little expansion or is overbroad or significantly undeveloped due to lack of support from course material and case study facts.

(1.575 – 1.799)

Failed to explain the 4P’s to promote the café, its products and how to develop the brand. Explanation did not use the course material or case scenario facts to support the reasoning and conclusions; incorrectly addresses the 4 P’s.

(1.35 – 1.574)

Fails to explain how to promote the café, its products and how to develop the brand using the 4 P’s.


Operation management correctly defined and explanation of why it is important to a business is logically concluded using ideas and reasoning (justification) that are thoroughly supported by course material and case study facts, and showed insightful understanding of operation management.

(1.125 – 1.25)

Operation management correctly defined and explanation of why it is important to a business is concluded with ideas and reasoning (justification) supported using the course material and case study facts but the logical connections need some development.

(1.0 – 1.124)

Operation management correctly defined and explanation of why it is important to a business showed little expansion or was overbroad or significantly undeveloped due to lack of support from course material and case study facts.

(0.875 – 0.999)

Operation management incorrectly defined or explanation of why it is important to a business is given with little to no use of the course material and case study facts to support the reasoning and conclusions made.

(0.75 – 0.874)

Fails to define and explain why operations management is important to a business.


Explanation of how attention to operations management impacts the success of the business is logically concluded using ideas and reasoning (justification) that are thoroughly supported by course material and case study facts, and shows insightful understanding of operations management.

(2.25 – 2.50)

Explanation of how attention to operations management impacts the success of the business is concluded with ideas and reasoning (justification) supported using the course material and case study facts but the logical connections need some development.

(2.0 – 2.249)

Explanation of how attention to operations management impacts the success of the business shows little expansion or is overbroad or significantly undeveloped due to lack of support from course material and case study facts.

(1.75 – 1.999)

Explanation of how attention to operations management impacts the success of the business is given with little to no use of the course material and case study facts to support the reasoning and conclusions made.

(1.5 – 1.749)

Fails to explain how attention to operations management impacts the success of the business.


Criteria 4

The report includes all required components of the task and follows formatting guidelines for layout (headings), spacing, alignment, indentations, etc. Format and layout make the memo exceptionally attractive.

(1.125 – 1.25)

Almost all required components are included, formatting guidelines for layout (headings), spacing, alignment, indentations, etc. are almost always followed. One or two problems in format and layout, but readability and attractiveness are not affected.

(1.0 – 1.124)

Some required components are included, formatting guidelines for layout (headings), spacing, and alignment are sometimes followed. Three to four problems in format and layout, but the memo is easy to read.

(0.875 – 0.999)

Off topic; formatting guidelines for layout (headings), spacing, and alignment are not followed, making the memo unattractive or hard to read.

(0.75 – 0.874)

Presents or reads as a paper rather than a report.

(0 – 0.749)

Organization fully appropriate and effective for topic (point of view, unity, paragraphing); very strongthesis/purpose statement & conclusion; paragraphs have effective topic sentences.

(1.125 – 1.25)

Organization appropriate and effective for topic (point of view, unity, paragraphing); strong thesis/purpose statement & conclusion; paragraphs have sound topic sentences.

(1.0 – 1.124)

Organization controlled but limited; some problems with paragraphing or sequencing, limited purpose statement/thesis or conclusion; limited use of topic sentences.

(0.875 – 0.999)

Little or poorly controlled organization; incorrect paragraphing or sequencing; purpose statement/thesis, conclusion, topic sentences may be missing or incomplete.

(0.75 – 0.874)

Minimal attempt at paragraphing, often unsuccessful; strings of sentences; no purpose statement/thesis, conclusion, or topic sentences.

(0 – 0.749)

Broad and fluent range of vocabulary; elaboration and detail achieved through full use of business terms; concise and appropriate use of vocabulary (formal English); correct use of word forms and word choice.

(1.125 – 1.25)

Good range of vocabulary; frequent use of business terms; appropriate use of vocabulary (formal English); correct use of word forms and word choice but could be more concise or more on point.

(1.0 – 1.124)

Adequate range; no precise use of subtle meanings displayed; business terms only used occasionally; vocabulary sometimes used inappropriately; 3-4 instances of wordiness or colloquialisms (informal English); often incorrect use of word forms.

(0.875 – 0.999)

Narrow range; many word form errors; business terms and other vocabulary often used inappropriately; only basic and elementary meanings are conveyed; 3 or more instances of wordiness or colloquialisms (informal English).

(0.75 – 0.874)

Simple vocabulary, often inappropriately used; no control of word choice and word forms; no attempt to use business terms; many instances of wordiness or colloquialisms (informal English).

(0 – 0.749)

Mastery of sentence patterns demonstrated; error-free sentence-level grammar. Correct use of spelling, capitalization, and punctuation error-free.

(1.8 – 2.0)

Sentence patterns most often successfully used; 1-2 grammatical errors on the sentence level (e.g. word deletions, possessives, prep., tense); 1-2 fragments, or run-on sentences). Occasional errors in spelling, capitalization, and punctuation; sometimes distracting.



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