GLOBE Table, management Assignment help


Create a table that compares two societal cultures on the nine dimensions of culture identified by the GLOBE project. Depending on the countries you choose, you may need to do more research. Your table should have three columns, one with the nine dimensions, one with the first country, and one with the second country.

Following is an example of comparing one dimension between Germany and China:





  • GLOBE scores: West 4.55 & East 4.73
  • Highest 25% GLOBE study
  • Work relationships are to the point and strict
  • GLOBE score: 3.76
  • Moderate range score
  • Indirect approach to communication

Background and Summary of GLOBE

The Wharton Business School of the University of Pennsylvania was the home of the GLOBE Research Project, which investigated variations in business leadership worldwide.  GLOBE comprised 170 researchers in 62 societies over 11 years.  The research team’s stated objective was…

To determine the extent to which the practices and values of business leadership are universal (i.e., are similar globally), and the extent to which they are specific to just a few societies.

The team is attained this objective.  GLOBE’s findings present to us all a breakthrough in our ability to think about business leadership in a way that is accurate, action-oriented, and – most importantly – genuinely global 

Any organization that devotes resources to developing global leaders now has within its grasp the data and the guideposts to accomplish this critical goal.  It’s now possible with unprecedented confidence to assess, develop, and measure top leadership talent in a way that captures the full meaning of “global.”

The first report from the GLOBE team was an 818-page book by R.J. House et al., Culture, Leadership, and Organizations,  published by Sage in 2004; this précis addresses the 2004 publication only.  A second report of the GLOBE team was published in 2007 (note).  A third report is in press.  The other three articles at (total 8,500 words) provide all those responsible for leadership development with an overview and interpretation of the findings reported in 2004.

The first question addressed by the team was which measurement standards (“independent variables”) to use to be precise about the similarities and differences among various societal and organizational cultures. Their efforts yielded nine “cultural dimensions” that serve as their standard of measurement. 

Performance Orientation Uncertainty Avoidance Humane Orientation
Institutional Collectivism In-Group Collectivism Assertiveness
Gender Egalitarianism Future Orientation Power Distance

Rubric Name: Globe Project Table


Does not compare cultural dimensions.

Table notes five or fewer dimensions. 

Table notes 6–8 dimensions with scores and basic explanation of scores. 

Table notes 9 dimensions, has some information on scores and meaning of scores. 

Table notes all 9 dimensions, their scores and elaborates on the meaning of the scores. 

Not clear and no explanations

Table is not clear and cannot be understood without additional explanation. 

Table needs some additional interpretation in order for reader to understand it. 

Table is clear, but may raise some questions for the reader.

Table is clear and can be understood easily by the reader.

Overall Score

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