HOS290 CSULB Chapter 7: Cultural fusion elements in Eastern Europe Nations

Ch. 7

In Eastern Europe there are many small countries that are close in proximity and thus their foods along with their cultures and languages have melded together in many ways. Examine 5 foods that are hybrids or fusions of different cultures from the countries in Eastern Europe. State why, give examples, support and explain your answers.

Ch. 8

Research and select one famous Italian artist, musician, or writer whose work you enjoy. Search and find where this person was born, lived, and worked. Identify 3 of the works for which the individual is known. State why, give examples, support and explain your answers.

Ch. 9

France is a leader in fashion and arts. Select a particular fashion or art from France, of interest to you, research it and report on your findings. State why, give examples, support and explain your answers.

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