Hundreds of magnetic flowmeters may be used in a typical mineral processing plant. With the aid…

Hundreds of magnetic flowmeters may be used in a typical mineral processing plant. With the aid of diagrams explain how an AC type magnetic flowmeter operates. Why do we apply Phase Sensitive Demodulation technique to extract useful signals from a typical AC flowmeter? What advantage does it have over DC flowmeters?

[1 MARK]

In an extractive metallurgy processing plant, AC-type magnetic flowmeters are installed to measure the flow rates of slurry transported in pipes. The following information is available on the flowmeters:

The internal diameters of the pipe is (Select one of these for your solutions: 95mm or 100mm or 105mm or 110mm)

The conductance of the fluid is s = (Select one of these for your solutions: 195 or 200 or 205 or 210 µSiemens/m)

The diameter of the sensors on the flowmeter is (Select one of these for your solutions: 5.95 or 6.0 or 6.05 or 6.1 mm)

The flux density of the flowmeters is (Select one of these for your solutions:

1.09 or 1.1 or 1.15 Tesla).

The magnetizing current is im = 2.2 sin (?t).

The flow rate of slurry in the pipe is (Select one of these for your solutions: 490 or 500 or 510 or 5120 L/min). Calculate the voltage produced by the flowmeter. What is the current supplied at this voltage?


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