i need a 8 page paper recidivism

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Written Report:

1. Report will reflect an effort by each student in research into some an aspect juvenile delinquency and justice.

2. The paper must be submitted electronically through Moodle under “Turn-it In.” Because of this, the paper must be typed in a word processing program such as Word. Do not use Wordpad or Notepad. These will not preserve the format. In addition, all assignment should be submitted in Word.

3. Report must be 7 to 10 pages in length. It must be typewritten and double-spaced, using a size 12 font, not boldface.

This includes title/cover and works cited page. Only Arial or Times New Roman fonts are permitted.

4. Report should be written using correct grammar and punctuation.

5. Report will be written using the APA format with internal documentation and a works cited page listing at least four references. Only one reference from the Internet is permitted, not blogs or someone’s opinion. Major news sources are ok (MSNBC, FOX, CNN, ABC, CBS, etc. Government and university sites are usually ok, but check first. DO NOT USE WIKIPEDIA.ORG!! If you do, it will not be counted as a source.]

Information concerning APA can be found on Moodle under Course content.

6. Report shall be submitted no later than the date indicated on the class schedule. Late reports will not be accepted. Papers may be submitted early.

7. Papers will be graded along the following guidelines:

a. Any failure to comply with APA format results in the loss of 20 points (this includes form of bibliography entries, notes, format of pages, etc.). 20 points will be lost for each lack of compliance with APA. If your

page numbers are out of compliance, that’s minus 20 points. If a bibliographic entry is out of compliance, that’s another 20 points, etc.

b. Failure to comply with any requirements found in syllabus is minus 20 points (this includes lack of stapling). 20 points will be lost for each reference less than the requirement of 4. However, a complete lack of references will result in a zero.

c. The lack of a works cited page or parenthetical citations of references (internal notes referencing your works cited) will result in a zero. This constitutes plagiarism (claiming someone else’s work as your own) & is illegal.

d. 20 points will be deducted for every page that the report is short of the full 7 page requirement. The title/cover and works cited pages count in the 7 page length.

8. The topic of the paper can reflect the student’s interest in a specific problem related to Juvenile Justice and Delinquency, Students will be allowed flexibility in pursuing heir own interests in choosing a topic, but the instructor will offer guidelines and discuss potential topics.

9. All sources other than your own ideas must be documented by parenthetical citations in the paper and on the works cited page.


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