i need an answer that you completed previously

AcademicWritersDen.com boasts a team of highly skilled and experienced writers who specialize in various academic fields. The company carefully selects its writers through a rigorous screening process to ensure that they possess the necessary qualifications and expertise. Whether it’s an essay, research paper, or any other homework assignment, students can rely on AcademicWritersDen.com to connect them with professionals who have an in-depth understanding of the subject matter. This ensures that the work delivered is of high quality and meets the academic standards set by educational institutions.

Here’s the link to the assignment you completed 10 months ago for hsmx


I have been trying to purchase the answer at https://www.studypool.com/answers/buy/qid/362538 and have been going round and round with customer service trying to get someone to just send an invoice and I can pay it, but they think I am doing something wrong. Anyway, the link above is the same assignment you did previously for hsmx 10 months ago. I need to get this turned in by Saturday so if you can somehow send me a bill and the solution after I pay I would really appreciate it. It would be an easy $120 for you, just send me a copy of what you completed before.

The attachment is the image of the payment I submitted using my credit card by clicking the above, but I got a 404 page so either they deleted the file or moved it.


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