i need this essays in 2 days in three different documents use simple english first essay I need to..

i need this essays in  2 days in three different documents

use simple english

first essay

I need to write 5 paragraphs on: Unemployment in united states

second and third essay

I need you to choose 2 of this books and make an essay about it 3-4 pages per essay

WRITING GUIDELINES: 3-4 pages; font=12; double space; place page numbers in parentheses after any direct quotations from your book.   (1) introductory section which provides the book’s author, title, approximate date of original publication (if known), and a brief preview for your readers about the subject matter of your book; (2) a section which provides a summary of the book’s key points that readers should know; (3) a final section which contains your own overall evaluation of the book: pros and cons, likes and dislikes. Was it easy to comprehend? (Why would USI students benefit from reading this book.)  BOOK LIST: Most, but not all, of these books are available from Rice Library.  GRADING: 50 Pts Writing Mechanics (Grammar, Spelleen, Punctuation, etc.) and 50 Pts Content. Total of 100 points.  Due Date: All extra credit book reviews are due on: TBA  HUM 212 Book Review List  Nicholl, Charles. Leonardo da Vinci: Flights of the Mind. The Renaissance Man.  Wilson, Derek. Out of the Storm. Bio of Martin Luther.  Erasmus. Praise of Folly. Satirical attack against snobs and elitists.  King, Margaret L. Women of the Renaissance. Notable female writers and artists.  Parker, T. H. L. John Calvin: A Biography. Father of Protestantism, American style.  Hill, Frances. A Delusion of Satan: The Full Story of the Salem Witch Trials. Witches!  Donnelly, J. P. Ignatius Loyola: Founder of the Jesuits. Catholic promoter of education.  Starkey, David. Elizabeth: The Struggle for the Throne America’s favorite queen.  Ives, Eric. The Life and Death of Anne Boleyn. The most scandalous royal divorce ever.  Ackroyd, Peter. The Life of Thomas More. Martyr for his church, traitor to his king.  D’Aulaire and D’Aulaire. Columbus. Columbus’s impact, warts and all.  Innes, Hammond. The Conquistadors. How the Spanish conquered Mexico.  Weidhorn, M. The Person of the Millennium. Biography of Galileo.  Sahakian, Mabel. John Locke. Bio of the father of natural rights.  Armitage, Angus. Copernicus, the Founder of Modern Astronomy. Biography.  Weymouth, L. Thomas Jefferson: The Man, His World, His Influence. Biography.

Tomalin, Claire. The Life and Death of Mary Wollstonecraft. The first modern feminist.  Shelley, Mary. Frankenstein. A cautionary tale about the dangers of modern science.  Wheen, F. Karl Marx: A Life. Biography of the father of communism.  Ross, I. S. Life of Adam Smith. Biography of the father of free-market capitalism.  Westfall, R. The Life of Isaac Newton. The man who discovered the law of gravity.  Overy, R. The Dictators: Hitler’s Germany and Stalin’s Russia. Who was worse?  Goldhagen, Jonah. Hitler’s Willing Executioners. Germans who joined Hitler.  Chambers, Whittaker. Witness. Former Communist confesses his past.  Downs, Frederick. The Killing Zone: My Life in the Vietnam War. A soldier’s story.  Ayers, William. Fugitive Days. 1960s antiwar terrorist who regrets nothing.  Rudd, Mark. Underground. 1960s antiwar terrorist who regrets everything.  Sides, Hampton. Hellhound on His Trail. The manhunt for M. L. King’s assassin.  Weisel, Elie. Night. Gripping memoir of teen who survives Nazi death camps  Larson, Erik. The Devil in the White City. A serial killer at the Chicago World’s Fair.  Hersey, John. Hiroshima. Lives of six survivors of the Hiroshima atomic bomb blast.  Sharansky, Antan. Fear No Evil. Memoir of a Jewish survivor of the Soviet gulag.  Solzhenityn, A. One Day in the life of Ivan Denisovich. One harrowing day in the gulag.  Orwell, George. 1984. Fictional account of a totalitarian police state. Food for thought.  Marx, Karl and Friedrich Engels. The Communist Manifesto. Capitalism is doomed?

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