i wrote this code and it builds but missed some points on theruburic.. can anyone help me out on thi

i wrote this code and it builds but missed some points on theruburic.. can anyone help me out on this?? #include #include #include #include using namespace std; // Define a Person class, including age, gender, andyearlyIncome. class Person { public: Person(); void Print(); void SetData(int a); // FIXME Also set gender and yearlyincome void SetGender(string gender); void SetIncome(int income); int GetAge(); string GetGender(); int GetIncome();    private: int age; string gender; int yearlyIncome; }; // Constructor for the Person class. Person::Person() { age = 0; gender = “default”; yearlyIncome = 0; return; } // Print the Person class. void Person::Print() { cout << “Age = ” << this->age << “, gender = ” << this->gender << “, yearly income = ” << this->yearlyIncome << endl; return; } // Set the age, gender, and yearlyIncome of a Person. void Person::SetData(int a) { // FIXME Also set gender andyearly income this->age = a; return; } void Person::SetGender(string gender){ this->gender = gender; } void Person::SetIncome(int income){ this->yearlyIncome = income; } // Get the age of a Person. int Person::GetAge() { return this->age; } string Person::GetGender(){ return this->gender; } int Person::GetIncome() { return this->yearlyIncome; } // Get a filename from program arguments, then make a Person foreach line in the file. bool ReadPeopleFromFile(int argc, char* argv[],vector &people) { Person tmpPrsn; ifstream inFS; int tmpAge = 0; string tmpGender = “”; int tmpYI = 0;    if (argc != 2) { cout << “nUsage: [EXECUTABLE FILE] [TEXT DATA FILE], e.g.myprog.exe dev_people.txt” << endl; return true; // indicates error }    cout << “Opening file ” << argv[1] <<“.n”; inFS.open(argv[1]); // Try to open file if (!inFS.is_open()) { cout << “Could not open file ” << argv[1] <<“.n”; return true; // indicates error }    while (!inFS.eof()) { inFS >> tmpAge; inFS >> tmpGender; inFS >> tmpYI; tmpPrsn.SetData(tmpAge); // FIXME Also set gender and yearlyincome tmpPrsn.SetGender(tmpGender); tmpPrsn.SetIncome(tmpYI); tmpPrsn.Print(); people.push_back(tmpPrsn); } inFS.close(); cout << “Finished reading file.” << endl;    return false; // indicates no error } // Ask user to enter age range. void GetUserInput(int &ageLowerRange, int&ageUpperRange, string &gender, int &yILowerIncome,int&yIHigherIncome) { cout<<“nEnter lower range of age: “; cin >> ageLowerRange;    cout << “Enter upper range of age: “; cin >> ageUpperRange;    cout << “Enter the gender: “; cin >> gender;    cout << “Enter the lower range of yearlyIncome: “; cin >> yILowerIncome;    cout << “Enter the higher range of yearlyIncome: “; cin >> yIHigherIncome;    return; } // Return people within the given age range. vector GetPeopleInAgeRange(vectorppl, int lowerRange, int upperRange) { unsigned int i = 0;    vector pplInAgeRange; int age = 0; for (i = 0; i < ppl.size(); ++i) { age = ppl.at(i).GetAge(); if ((age >= lowerRange) && (age GetPeopleWithSpecificGender(vector ptntlCstmrs,stringgender){ vector pplWithSameGender; string gndr; for (int i=0;i GetPeopleInIncomeRange(vectorptntlCstmrs,int lowerRange, int higherRange){ vector pplInIncomeRange; int range = 0; for (int i=0;i = lowerRange) && (range ptntlCstmrs; bool hadError = false; int ageLowerRange = 0; int ageUpperRange = 0; string gender; int yILowerIncome = 0; int yIHigherIncome = 0;    hadError = ReadPeopleFromFile(argc, argv, ptntlCstmrs); if( hadError ) { return 1; // indicates error }    GetUserInput(ageLowerRange, ageUpperRange, gender,yILowerIncome, yIHigherIncome ); ptntlCstmrs = GetPeopleInAgeRange(ptntlCstmrs, ageLowerRange,ageUpperRange); ptntlCstmrs =GetPeopleWithSpecificGender(ptntlCstmrs,gender); ptntlCstmrs =GetPeopleInIncomeRange(ptntlCstmrs,yILowerIncome,yIHigherIncome); cout . . .

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