It is write for blog assignment, ou must research your topic and give supporting

When writing a story or a communications presentation, you first research your topic. This is one of the first points made by M. Stanton Evans when he taught the Hall School’s Editorial Writing class. It seems that some students took the class with the expectation that people want to read their opinions. The reality is that very few people are really interested in your opinions, probably because they are too busy trying to give you the benefit of their opinions. 

One of the lines Prof. Evans frequently used in his Editorial Writing class is that writing editorials is similar to selling opinions door-to-door. Anyone in sales knows that rejection is part of the business and you have to learn how to deal with people rejecting your product. 

A blog can be a strong tool to “sell” your opinions. But, you cannot simply sling opinions to your readers. You must research your topic and give supporting evidence and points to build your case. 

If this sounds like work, you are correct. But you need to remember that your writing is something that you will one day, I hope, show to a potential employer as an example of your writing and multimedia skills.

Review your post for errors (e.g., spelling, grammar, punctuation); points will be deducted for such errors. 

In this posting, you will give an opinion on a topic. You must “build a case” and show research that supports your conclusion and opinion. Of course, you want to use respected and reliable sources to support your opinion. At least two different hyperlinks must be included in this post. You do not have to write a post relative to your blog topic. 

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