MEC collage Smart irrigation system in sultanate of Oman Paper

I implement Smart irrigation system in sultanate of Oman.

1-Writ(How to protect and secure the internet of thing device and sensor). When I implement Internet of things in irrigation and I use this device:

#-Nodemcu work as microcontroller 

#-soil sensor to measure the Humidity in the soil.

#-ultrasonic sensor to measure the water level in tank 

#-DH11 measure the temperature and the Humidity in the garden.

Answer should be in (three page) and also write in in point .and use diagram

2-What are the (protocol connection between the internet of thing device  and Blynk server application)? You should write in point and Table and use diagram.(2page) 

0% similarity and kindly use easy language. Also kindly write the references and Citation in HARVARD stile.

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