Media fragmentation, communications homework help

Answer the following questions regarding media fragmentation.

Thinking within the context of a fragmented media, answer the following questions:

A) Does your list of “must have media” reflect your personal values? How?

B) Do you feel that media’s targeting of specific groups for specific content has had adverse effects or our society? Positive effects? Explain and cite examples.

C) Considering the concept of the Digital Divide as you read in this week’s readings, is it problematic that the internet is becoming driven by economic objectives? Explain your answer.

D) After reading 21st Century Communication: A Reference Handbook: Chapter 62: Media Literacy, you read that “media education is a lifelong process.”

Give examples of times that you have become enlightened about media, resulting in increased media literacy. Or, if you have no personal examples discuss what situations might force media literacy.

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