New Public Administration short forum post, management homework help

I need a 500 word Forum Post on the question below. Need one other source cited in forum post.

Examine the tension between theory and practice. For example, books may explain how decisions should be made; however, reality and human nature dictates how they are made. Take it the next step. Do you agree with their assertion that the lessons offered by the New Public Service which are outlined below are the best way to apply the best of the theory from the Old Public Administration, the New Public Management and now the New Public Service to public management settings? Why or why not. Please give examples.

  • Serve Citizens, Not Customers:

The public interest is the result of a

dialogue about shared values rather than the aggregation of individual

self-interests. Therefore, public servants do not merely respond to the

demands of “customers,” but rather focus on building relationships of

trust and collaboration with and among citizens (Chapter 3).

2.Seek the Public Interest:

Public administrators must contribute to

building a collective, shared notion of the public interest. The goal is

not to find quick solutions driven by individual choices. Rather, it is

the creation of shared interests and shared responsibility (Chapter 4).

3. Value Citizenship over Entrepreneurship:

The public interest is better advanced by public servants and citizens committed to making meaningful contributions to society than by entrepreneurial managers acting

as if public money were their own (Chapter 5).

4. Think Strategically, Act Democratically:

Policies and programs meeting public needs can be most effectively and responsibly achieved through collective efforts and collaborative processes (Chapter 6).

5. Recognize that Accountability Isn’t Simple:

Public servants should be attentive to more than the market; they should also attend to statutory and constitutional law, community values, political norms, professional

standards, and citizen interests (Chapter 7).

6. Serve Rather than Steer:

It is increasingly important for public servants

to use shared, value-based leadership in helping citizens articulate and

meet their shared interests rather than attempting to control or steer

society in new directions (Chapter 8).

7. Value People, Not Just Productivity:

Public organizations and the net works in which they participate are more likely to be successful in the

long run if they are operated through processes of collaboration and

shared leadership based on respect for all people (Chapter 9)

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