Personality Types and Type of Substance Abuse law homework help


  • Describe the relationship between personality types or personality disorders and a drug of choice. Does the research you found support that there is or is not a relationship between personality characteristics and a preferred drug of choice?
  • Identify if there are legal implications, such as the types of charges, the legal precedent for the charges, and foundational case law, for these types of correlations.
  • Discuss your perspective on the forensic assessment tool and whether it is useful for the criminal justice process.

Use the 2 following sources as references in your 1 page essay.

!.  Van Dorn, R., Volavka, J., & Johnson, N. (2012). Mental disorder and violence: Is there a relationship beyond substance use? Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 47(3), 487-503. 

2.  Vinkers, D. J., Beurs, E., Barendregt, M., Rinne, T., & Hoek, H. W. (2011). The relationship between mental disorders and different types of crime. Criminal Behaviour & Mental Health21(5), 307-320.

! page essay should be done in APA Format with in-text citations.

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