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Module 1: Portfolio Project Milestone
Portfolio Project Milestone: (25 points)
Options #1 and #2: Topic identification
HUM101 requires a Final Portfolio Project. This project will focus on an issue (social, professional, or personal) that you wish to investigate critically.
Please read the full Portfolio Project description in the Module 8 folder page to preview your Portfolio Project assignment. Also, review the Portfolio Project grading rubric, which you can also access in the Module 8 folder.
This is the first of two milestone assignments that count toward the completion of the Final Portfolio Project in Module 8. Another Portfolio Milestones is due in Weeks 4. Also, note that in Week 7, you will post your Final Portfolio outlines and critique your colleagues in peer discussions.
Submit a three-paragraph introduction clearly identifying the topic you wish to investigate for your Final Portfolio. Be sure to answer the following questions in these three paragraphs:
What is your topic?
Why is this topic of interest to you?
What critical questions do you have about this topic?
How might you narrow your topic to think more clearly and carefully about issues related to your topic?
Include two scholarly sources that you could use in your Final Portfolio. Find scholarly sources that are not part of the required or recommended reading for this course. The CSU-Global Library is a good place to find these sources.
Format your paper and references according to the CSU-Global Guide to Writing & APA, and including a title and references page.
Review the grading rubric for this assignment, which can be accessed from the Module 1 folder, to understand how the criteria and how your work will be assessed.