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Chapter 10.1
Calculate BMI and identify the different categories
Identify disease risk based on BMI
List different methods of determining % body fat
Explain the difference between subcutaneous and visceral fat
Define energy balance
List the components of energy expenditure and list factors that affect each
Chapter 10.2-10.3
List the health consequences of being overweight
Define satiety, hunger and appetite; and explain the factors that regulate each
Describe how genetics affects body weight
Describe how environmental factors affect body weight; and which have contributed to the recent obesity epidemic
List and describe the methods of losing weight healthfully
Explain how behavior modification influences success during weight loss
List and explain the extreme measures for treating obesity that are outlined in the book
Chapter 10.4
List the factors that can lead to underweight
Explain how popular media versions of the ‘ideal’ man and woman have changed over the last century
List the health consequences of underweight
Explain the factors involved in gaining weight healthfully
List and describe the factors that contribute to the development of an eating disorder
Differentiate between disordered eating and an eating disorder
Define binge eating, bulimia and anorexia
Explain what is meant by ‘night eating syndrome’
List the signs of disordered eating
Explain how eating disorders are treated
Chapter 10.5
Define physical fitness
List and describe the components of fitness
List the benefits of exercise, overall fitness, and each component
Differentiate between aerobic and anaerobic
Explain how utilization of the macronutrients is affected by exercise, intensity and endurance
Describe nutrition needs both during and after exercise
Explain how exercise affects fluid balance and fluid needs
Chapter 11.1
Identify target weight gains during pregnancy
List the nutrients of concern during pregnancy
List and describe behaviors that the mother should avoid during pregnancy
Define and describe gestational diabetes
Compare and contrast breastfeeding and formula feeding
Explain how nutrient and caloric needs of an infant differ from those of adults
Describe how one might know when an infant is ready for solid foods
Explain what foods should not be given to an infant
List and describe the nutrients of concern during childhood and adolescence
Describe factors that are contributing to current rates of childhood obesity
Explain how the school lunch program affects the health of children
Explain how the caloric and nutrient needs of an older adult differ from younger adults
List and describe the nutrients of concern in the elderly
Explain nutrient intake often difficult to achieve in the elderly
List and describe the social and physical factors that affect nutritional status in the elderly
Chapter 11.2
List and describe the classes of microorganisms that can cause food borne illness
Explain how one may reduce their risk for foodborne illness
Define cross contamination
List the different types of food additives, and describe the term used to deem them ‘safe’
Explain how bioaccumulation of pollutants can lead to contamination of foods
Describe the advantages and potential health concerns of pesticide use
Describe the advantages and concerns of organic foods
Define genetic modification and explain the benefits and potential concerns of this form of biotechnology