Using C++ programming using cin,cout , If, else statementsonly. Write a program that converts an inp

Using C++ programming using cin,cout , If, else statementsonly. Write a program that converts an input grade from 60 to 100 andoutputs a converted grade from 0.0 to 4.0. a. Minimum input value is 60, maximum is 100.   b. Allwhole numbers must display as decimals.    (0displays as 0.0 and 3 as 3.0)     The solution requires that you create a simple mathematicalexpression that converts the input value into the outputvalue. The program should appear as follows

Grade Converter ————— Input grade (60-100): 85 Converted grade (0.0 to 4.0): 2.5 Some example values are (70 = 1.0, 89 = 2.9, 63 = 0.3, 96 =3.6). Attached

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