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Every organization has its own particular needs. As such, organizations should have leadership put in place that is effective. That said, there’s no such thing as a one-size-fits-all approach to leadership. In your local business, organization, or place of employment, identify an effective leadership model that you feel would be appropriate for your organization’s goals, objectives, and overall mission. In your estimation, is the leadership in your organization effective? If so, in what ways? If not, what might you recommend if provided the opportunity?
When providing your response, be sure to tie in the key concepts gained in the course thus far. Simply providing a critique of your organization is not enough. You should critically analyze the current state of your organization, the overall leadership approach, and recommendations for improvement if needed.
Be sure that you thoroughly support your response with authoritative sources retrieved from the Saudi Electronic University library. Your Discussion Board response should demonstrate careful development of thought and critical thinking skills as appropriate to graduate-level academics, and should be well supported in accordance with SEU’s APA writing standards.
Be sure to respond to several other participants in a substantive manner in order to receive full credit for the participation component of the Discussion Board deliverable.
Be sure to support your statements with logic and argument, citing any sources referenced. Post your initial response early, and check back often to continue the discussion. Be sure to respond to your peers’ posts, as well.
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