wk5 dis/reply/wd

The Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) is the role I have considered. This role focuses on a board area of nursing. It involves important roles and responsibility. The FNP deals with disease management, health education, and preventative medicine. I Look forward to pursuing my education and becoming a FNP. Providing care to all age groups is my interest.The three issues that I believe to be most important with regards to the chosen role is Full practice authority, NP reimbursement, and Physician resistance.Full practice authority (FPA) is when an NP can work independently.The NP can practice evaluating patients, diagnosing, ordering, and prescribing medications (DePriest, 2020). In some states NPs can acquire additional education and hours working under a physician to qualify for FPA. Patients benefit from the NP having FPA because they are able to get the care they need. NPs can make an impact in healthcare improving access, decreased cost, and gives patients a choice (American Association of Nurse Practitioners, 2020).The NP reimbursement was less than physicians. “A 2007 survey of the credentialing and reimbursement policies of 222 managed care organizations revealed that 53 percent credentialed NPs as primary care providers; of these, 56 percent reimbursed primary care NPs at the same rate as primary care providers, and 38 percent reimbursed NPs at a lower rate’(National Center for Biotechnology Information, 2011).The NP faced physician resistance. Physicians felt that nurses should not be allowed to expand their practice, citing medicine’s unique education, clinical knowledge, and cognitive and technical skills (National Center for Biotechnology Information, 2011). They also opposed NP expanding prescriptive practice. Some doctors felt that NPs there would be a decrease in cost and decrease in quality care to patients.The future Family Nurse Practitioner synthesises knowledge from values in theory, ethics, and legal regulatory statutes. NP practices with compassion and nursing knowledge. The NP follows state regulation and scope of practice for profession. My philosophy is to prepare myself with the education, knowledge, and skills needed to effectively care for patients. In the video Steve (family nurse practitioner care for patients with compassion and serves all age groups. I would like to see all age groups and make a difference in someone’s life.

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