XERCISE #1 – Case Study. Case Studies will be used throughout your. studies and more importantly, ca

XERCISE #1 – Case Study. Case Studies will be used throughout your. studies and more
importantly, can be used in refining problems that other companies have gone through. These are examples of
how your own company can avoid pitfalls and go directly to solutions. The following case study is in the textbook for
this module found on pages 125-126, “Case Study Exercise #3”.

A. Use this title as you write the answers to the questions asked, ” The Emergence of Standards in the
Telecommunications Industry”. No abstract is needed but an Introduction is needed.
B. Research telecommunications industries and find one to use as a basis for this exercise. Note down
your lnternet references for this assignment and list them at the end for a minimum of five references
(including your textbook).
C. Number the questions as you see them here and answer them according to what you found on the
company you selected.
1. What is the name of the telecommunications company you researched?
2. How would you develop a good case study-based this project?
3. What types of information would you require?
4. What data would you need and how would you collect these data?
5. What issues does the company you selected have or could possibly have; e.g., the problems that
might arise through competition, monetary restrictions, equipment needs-anything might be a
problem you detect.
6. Would there be ethical issues that you would need to consider and what are they?
7. What types of contribution to knowledge do you think this project might make for the
telecommunications industry; e.g., what is the point of your case study?
EXERCISE #2 – Case Study Definitions
Continuing in this paper, use the title as, “Exercise #2 – Case Study Definitions”. Then copy the list of the following terms
and supply their definitions, each worth two points of your grade:
1. Ethnography
2. Participant observation
3. Non-participative observation

Good evening everyone,

I was hired as an on-site service manager and new to everyone, company, customer, and coworkers. We were shaking down the equipment at the customers site and one of the idler stations had a missing shield/trough to collect excess paste. Now I knew we had forgotten to install it(I was not involved in the build); however the rights and duties perspective(also contractual) would cost my company significant costs to shut down, disassemble, cover lost production, etc. put me in a predicament. From the contract rights perspective they (the customer) had a right to have the machine installed as designed with all pieces as contractually purchased. I took the utilitarian aspect in that fabrication of a replacement piece would allow for the same collection, meets the criteria that the OEM has the right to make changes and as-builts, and build clout in that I admitted to a defect with the customer but took responsibility and authority to make the situation right for proper operation of the equipment once the shield was attached. My project manager and several tech were extremely upset with my blunt honesty; I explained to my boss back home that the move bought us/me (service) points until the open hostility between departments (OEM) erupted in front of the customers crew.

2nd post is as follows:

My ethical dilemma came recently. Not too long ago I went to the President of the company and asked for several hundred dollars to purchase a new software package. This software upgrade has been a long time in the making and I explained that the software I once used for this purpose was now obsolete and I could no longer get a copy of it from IBM. The boss granted my request and I explained to him that I would install the available 60-day free trial, get it up and working and then at the end of the trial, presuming I found no problems with it, we would purchase it. The plan worked great, I downloaded the new software package, installed it, and configured it to work with our IBM server. Now, this software is a far cry from the old software version and is a prerequisite for moving our development efforts forward with a modern design. The dilemma came while I was downloading some third-party add-ons to the new software when I discovered that this third party was still distributing the older version (it?s considered obsolete by most developers) that I am already licensed to use. The dilemma is, do I tell the boss we don?t ?have? to buy the new software, or do I just keep rolling with the package I just spent the better part of a day setting up. I?ve decided that whichever ethical theory I apply I will likely come up with the same answer, and keep the new software. There are however a couple nuances. If I apply Rights and Duties, I have an obligation to the company to create the best programs in the most efficient and timely fashion, so I can make a strong argument that the new software will allow me to do my best work. With this theory, I would feel compelled to tell my boss right away. The utilitarian theory, on the other hand, might have me argue that the cost of the new software package is only slightly higher than the day?s work it would take to uninstall the new version and download, install, and configure the old version. Add to that the argument that the new software will clearly give me an ongoing performance benefit going forward, keeping the new software is clearly the right choice. With this theory, however, I do not feel as compelled to disclose my other discovery.

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