Government Accounting

Chapter 15

  • Exercise 15-2.
  • Problem 15-1.

Homework Submission Sheet

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Government Accounting

Now that you have been familiarized with the methods and approaches for preparing and analyzing various financial statements for different types of organizations, it’s time to practice applying some of that knowledge in a simulated accounting assignment. To complete Assignment 3, you will download the linked Word document for the Capitol Good Works Organization (CGWO), a fictitious not-for-profit entity. You will also continue working with the fillable Excel spreadsheet you started in the Week 9 Homework, wrapping up a series of transactions and related recording tasks. To finalize your assignment, you will write a brief assessment of your findings about CGWO’s fiscal health.


  1. Download Week 10 Assignment Instructions [PDF] Download Week 10 Assignment Instructions [PDF]and CGWO Excel Template [XLSX] Download CGWO Excel Template [XLSX].
  2. Follow the instructions in the Word doc to complete the Week 10 Assignment tab in the Excel template. Note: The data you enter in this tab will auto-populate the remaining tabs in the Excel template. Review these additional tabs and amend your findings if needed.
  3. When you are finished with the Excel template, write a one-page assessment of the fiscal condition of CGWO, evaluating what each ratio (that you computed) tells you about the organization’s fiscal health. Ensure your response covers the following details:
    • Typical financial indicators:
      • Liquidity ratio (current ratio – current assets / current liabilities).
      • Burden of debt ratio (total debt / total assets).
      • Adequacy of available resources ratio (net assets without donor restrictions / expenses).
      • Current fiscal performance (operating surplus or deficit / total revenues).
    • Financial indicators specific to not-for-profits:
      • Fund-raising ratio (fund-raising expense + administrative costs) / total contributions and grants revenue).
      • Program ratio (program expenses / (program expenses + fund-raising expenses + administrative costs).
      • Contribution and grants ratio (revenue from contributions and grants / total revenues).
    • Revenues from services ratio (revenue from program fees / total revenues).
    • Ensure that your explanation is supported by at least two appropriate sources.

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The library is your home for SWS assistance, including citations and formatting. Please refer to the Library site for all support. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment:

  • Evaluate the financial statements and fiscal condition of a not-for-profit organization relative to financial guidelines.
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Government Accounting

Activity: Not-for-Profit Project – Part 1

Your readings this week focused on various aspects of accounting in not-for-profit organizations. This week, you will take your first step to completing an Excel template for the fictitious not-for-profit Capitol Good Works Organization.

To complete this week’s homework, you will need to download the Trial Balance Word document and the Excel template. Follow the instructions to complete the organization’s Balance Sheet, as found in the Week 9 Homework tab of the Excel spreadsheet.

Submit the Excel template with the Week 9 Homework tab completed to earn this week’s homework points. Keep both documents you’ve just downloaded handy! You will be using them again when you complete and submit your final assignment in Week 10.

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Government Accounting

Chapter 13

  • Exercise 13-1.
  • Problem 13-4.

Homework Submission Sheet

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Government Accounting

Chapter 11

  • Exercise 11-2.
  • Continuing Problem (questions 1 through 6). Use the ACFR assigned by your professor, which you downloaded in Week 1.

Chapter 16

  • Exercise 16.2.
  • Problem 16-10.

Homework Submission Sheet

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Government Accounting

Chapter 11

  • Exercise 11-2.
  • Continuing Problem (questions 1 through 6). Use the ACFR assigned by your professor, which you downloaded in Week 1.

Chapter 16

  • Exercise 16.2.
  • Problem 16-10.

Homework Submission Sheet

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Government Accounting

Chapter 9

  • Exercise 9-2.
  • Continuing Problem (questions 1 through 8). Use the ACFR assigned by your professor, which you downloaded in Week 1.

Chapter 10

  • Exercise 10-3.
  • Continuing Problem (questions 1 through 10). Use the ACFR assigned by your professor, which you downloaded in Week 1.
  • Problem 10-9.
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Government Accounting

Chapter 6

  • Continuing Problem (questions 1 through 5). Use the ACFR assigned by your professor and downloaded in Week 1.
  • Exercise 6-1.
  • Problem 6-1.

Chapter 8

  • Exercise 8-3.
  • Continuing Problem (questions 1 through 8). Use the ACFR assigned by your professor, which you downloaded in Week 1.
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Government Accounting

  • Exercise 5-5.
  • Continuing Problem (questions 1 through 9). Use the ACFR assigned by your professor and downloaded in Wee
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Government Accounting

Chapter 4

  • Exercise 4-1.
  • Continuing Problem (questions 1 through 10). Use the ACFR assigned by your professor, which you downloaded in Week 1.
  • Problem 4-3.
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Government Accounting

Chapter 3

  • Exercise 3-1.
  • Continuing Problem (questions 1 through 4). Use the ACFR assigned by your professor, which you downloaded in Week 1.

Homework Submission Sheet

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Government Accounting

Chapter 1

  • Exercise 1-2.
  • Problem 1-1.

Note: Download the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) for the most recent year available for the city, town, or county assigned by your professor. Make sure to save these documents for use in future weekly homework assignments.

Chapter 2

  • Exercise 2-2.
  • Continuing Problem (questions 1 through 4). Use the ACFR assigned by your professor, which you downloaded this week.
  • Problem 2-10.

Homework Submission Sheet


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Government Accounting

Chapter 1

  • Exercise 1-2.
  • Problem 1-1.

Note: Download the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) for the most recent year available for the city, town, or county assigned by your professor. Make sure to save these documents for use in future weekly homework assignments.

Chapter 2

  • Exercise 2-2.
  • Continuing Problem (questions 1 through 4). Use the ACFR assigned by your professor, which you downloaded this week.
  • Problem 2-10.

Homework Submission Sheet


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Government Accounting


Now that you have been familiarized with the methods and approaches for preparing and analyzing various financial statements for different types of organizations, it’s time to practice applying some of that knowledge in a simulated accounting assignment. To complete Assignment 3, you will download the linked Word document for the Capitol Good Works Organization (CGWO), a fictitious not-for-profit entity. You will also continue working with the fillable Excel spreadsheet you started in the Week 9 Homework, wrapping up a series of transactions and related recording tasks. To finalize your assignment, you will write a brief assessment of your findings about CGWO’s fiscal health.


  1. Download Week 10 Assignment Instructions [PDF] Download Week 10 Assignment Instructions [PDF]and CGWO Excel Template [XLSX] Download CGWO Excel Template [XLSX].
  2. Follow the instructions in the Word doc to complete the Week 10 Assignment tab in the Excel template. Note: The data you enter in this tab will auto-populate the remaining tabs in the Excel template. Review these additional tabs and amend your findings if needed.
  3. When you are finished with the Excel template, write a one-page assessment of the fiscal condition of CGWO, evaluating what each ratio (that you computed) tells you about the organization’s fiscal health. Ensure your response covers the following details:
    • Typical financial indicators:
      • Liquidity ratio (current ratio – current assets / current liabilities).
      • Burden of debt ratio (total debt / total assets).
      • Adequacy of available resources ratio (net assets without donor restrictions / expenses).
      • Current fiscal performance (operating surplus or deficit / total revenues).
    • Financial indicators specific to not-for-profits:
      • Fund-raising ratio (fund-raising expense + administrative costs) / total contributions and grants revenue).
      • Program ratio (program expenses / (program expenses + fund-raising expenses + administrative costs).
      • Contribution and grants ratio (revenue from contributions and grants / total revenues).
    • Revenues from services ratio (revenue from program fees / total revenues).
    • Ensure that your explanation is supported by at least two appropriate sources.

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The library is your home for SWS assistance, including citations and formatting. Please refer to the Library site for all support. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment:

  • Evaluate the financial statements and fiscal condition of a not-for-profit organization relative to financial guidelines.
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Government Accounting


The Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) has established accountability as the cornerstone of financial reporting for governments. Accountability, as defined by GASB, includes budgetary and fiscal compliance. In this assignment, you will explore a local government’s Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) for the elements of the ACFR and how those elements are incorporated by a local government.

Your professor will assign a local government ACFR for use in this assignment.


Write a 3-5 page paper in which you address the following:

  1. Analyze the local government ACFR for the types of budgets the local government maintains. Provide at least three different budget types maintained by the local government and an example of what each controls.
  2. Analyze the Management Discussion and Analysis for at least three assertions made by management as to their budgetary and fiscal compliance. Provide an example of each of the three assertions you analyzed.
  3. Analyze the Budget-to-Actual reports in the local government ACFR for at least three indications of budgetary and fiscal compliance, such as significant or non-significant variances. Provide the implication for the local government of each of the three indications.
  4. Analyze the local government ACFR for at least three local government finance-related legal or contractual requirements. Provide an example of each of the three requirements.
  5. Use at least three quality sources to support your writing. Choose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate. Cite each source listed on your source page at least one time within your assignment. For help with research, writing, and citation, access the library or review library guides.

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The library is your home for SWS assistance, including citations and formatting. Please refer to the Library site for all support. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment:

  • Analyze the financial reporting of a local government for specific indications of budgetary and fiscal compliance.
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