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REPLY 1Elimination complexities have a significant bearing on the lives of patients and their families. Nurses play an indispensable role in supporting the patient’s psychological and emotional needs whenever battling elimination complexities.Common effects of elimination complexities in the lives of patients include loss of control and feeling of hopelessness. Most patients often develop frustration due to their inability to control vital aspects of their lives, depending on the severity of their illness. In extreme cases, they may feel guilty for relying on other people in the elimination process. Besides, most elimination complexities have a significant financial impact on families (Tavares et al. 2016). The expenses in hiring care providers, transport services, and comprehensive treatment often deplete the financial reserves for families. Such funds could be put into alternative uses that would benefit the families. Also, the quality of family relations is hurt whenever tensions and arguments arise in families.Nurses play an incredible role in supporting the patient’s psychological and emotional needs. For example, hemodialysis nurses play an incredible role in educating the patients on the various tools and resources used in managing multiple kidney conditions. Besides, nurses offer mental support to patients while collaborating closely with social workers (Chang& Daly,2006). Nurses can enhance resilience by providing care during the acute phase of kidney illness. The nurses offer patients the necessary skills that enable them to cope with the disease. Furthermore, nurses can assist patients with setting goals for recovery and independence. Such opportunities would allow patients to develop and maintain healthy relations with families and friends.Conclusively, elimination complexities result in loss of control and feelings of hopelessness among the patients. Besides, they have an adverse financial impact on families. Nurses play an incredible role in educating patients on the tools and resources used in managing their resources. Moreover, they guide patients in setting goals for recovery and independence.ReferenceChang, E., & Daly, J. (2006). Pathophysiology applied to nursing. Elsevier Health Sciences.Tavares, J. M. A. B., Lisboa, M. T. L., de Assunção Ferreira, M., Valadares, G. V., & e Silva, F. V. C. (2016). Peritoneal dialysis: family care for chronic kidney disease patients in home-based treatment. Revistabrasileira de enfermagem, 69(6), 1107.REPLY2Eliminations disorders affect to normal function and balance of the renal, pancreatic, hepatic, biliary and gastrointestinal systems. The risk factors for these diseases are numerous and various; some are related to genetics and family history, but others are related to patient’s life choices about diet, substance abuse, etc.Each particular elimination disease affects the patient’s life in different ways. The physical changes will affect the normal elimination process (urine, stool), but can also affect the normal function of the organs and systems (renal calculi, diabetes, edema). Along with the physical changes, there are also psychological and emotional needs that are associated with this type of elimination diseases. Patients may experience loss of independence, financial burdens, decreased work capacity, increased medical needs, etc. that add to the pressures and stress caused by disease.Some treatment options require multiple follow up appointments or on-going care; for example, advanced kidney disease can lead to need for dialysis which requires the patient to receive regular treatments several times a week which can make it hard for the patient, if not impossible, to continue to work and maintain a normal schedule.Nurses play an important role in all stages of any disease that affects the elimination process. Providing education and support from the first stage of diagnosis continues to be a need to encourage implementing treatments, evaluating progress and effectiveness, make lifestyle changes that can prevent complications or re-occurrence. Nurses need to keep in mind that “it is important to continue educating patients as they continue to recover by discussing causes of their disease and ways to prevent recurrence.” (Johnson, A.R., 2020).Nurses can also provide support to develop new way of coping with the disease and lifestyle changes needed, set realistic goals, find support groups and community resources. They also should provide education to family members to assist patients in their recovery, but also to promote disease prevention for the family members; for example “given that family history of diabetes is one of the strongest predictors of developing diabetes, family diabetes self-management education may also serve as a diabetes prevention program for participating family members without type 2 diabetes.” (Felix, H. C., Narcisse, M. R., Long, C. R., & McElfish, P. A., 2020).References:Felix, H. C., Narcisse, M. R., Long, C. R., & McElfish, P. A. (2020). Effects of a family diabetes self-management education intervention on the patients’ supporters. Families, Systems, & Health, 38(2), 121–129. https://doi-org.lopes.idm.oclc.org/10.1037/fsh0000470Johnson, A.R. (2020), Pathophysiology Clinical Applications for Client Health, Retrieved from https://lc.gcumedia.com/nrs410v/pathophysiology-clinical-applications-for-client-health/v1.1/#/chapter/3

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