CSIS352 Adams State College Social Media and Open Source Intelligence Paper

Part 1

Respond to the attached student post in 300 words or more

Part 2

Answer the below question in 500 words or more

The power of social media and the information gleaned from Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) is prodigious. The use of social media can also change the course of human events. Can you think of other examples?other than the Arab Spring as discussed in the readings?that might benefit from Social Network intelligence employing cyber intelligence techniques?

Hodges, Jim “OSINT Goes Social,” Trajectory Magazine (Fall 2012). Accessed at: http://trajectorymagazine.com/civil/item/1307-osint.html.

Ivan, Adrian, Claudia Iov, Raluca Lutai, Raluca, and Marius Grad. “Social Media Intelligence: Opportunities and Limitations,” CES Working Papers 7, no. 2a (2015), 505-510.

Omand, David, “Introducing Social Media Intelligence (SOCMINT),” Intelligence and National Security 27, No. 6, pp. 801?823.

You can also use your own sources if needed

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