Assignment #3-Grain Grading

Because we did not have a chance to address grain grading during the Dryland Wheat lectures, this assignment will walk you through some important elements to know about the USDA Grain Grading system.Please download thisAssignment #3 Instructions and Rubric document(pdf version), complete all of the questions (including all of the fill-in-the-blank, short answer, and grain grading questions), and submit using this assignment link.There are several websites linked within Assignment #3 that you will need to access in order to complete the questions. Here is theWheat Sample Lot Picturesdocument (pdf version) that you will need in order to complete the Assigning a Grain Grade portion of the assignment. Also, pay close attention to the ‘Lot’ numbers associated with the four wheat images when answering the Assigning a Grain Grade questions.Let me know if you have any questions or experience any issues accessing websites.  Have fun!

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