BA405 Multinational Management-Building an International Company


Building an International Company

Grass Roots Company:

How does a company grow to become an international entity? Identify one international company, trace its roots and explain a success and a challenge it had growing to an international status. Also, create a new product idea of your own and describe how you could take the company from a local business to an international success.

·  Identify one internationally successful company.

·  Briefly describe its growth history

·  Describe a success and a difficulty it had growing to international status

·  Create your new product idea

·  Describe how you would grow the company to international status.

This assignment should be approximately 1,500 words. It is to be written in APA format, type face: Times New Roman – 12 point, with a cover page. Remember to cite your sources in APA format. Minimum of 2-3 sources, not Wikipedia, one source can be your textbook.

Grading Criteria Assignments

Maximum Points

Meets or exceeds established assignment criteria


Demonstrates an understanding of lesson concepts


Clearly presents well-reasoned ideas and concepts


Uses proper mechanics, punctuation, sentence structure, and spelling




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