Complete 1-8. Min 100 word each answer cite your sources min of 3. due 1/10

1.According to the characteristics of life discussed in the course, a rock is not considered life.  Choose one characteristic of life to defend why a rock is not life.2.Describe an experiment that evaluates the impact of the drug Remdesivir on shortening the length of hospital stay for patients with COVID-19 infection. Define the independent variable, dependent variable and controls you put in your investigation.3.Compare how ionic, non-polar covalent and polar covalent bonds differ from each other. Be sure to include the following terms in your comparison: electronegativity, stability and polarity.4.For question number 3, give an example of a compound formed by each of the type of bonds listed. Make sure to give a description of why the electron arrangement involved in each compound results in the compound being classified as ionic, non-polar covalent or polar covalent.5. Solution A has a pH of 4.2 while Solution B has a pH of 7.2 How much more acidic is Solution A than B? Which of these two solutions would be compatible with the environment of our cells. Explain.6.Why is carbon the building block of life? Describe the chemical characteristics of carbon that make it our unique building block.7.Name the four macromolecules present in all living organisms and tell one function of each type. Which macromolecules are found in COVID-19?8.What was the special type of macromolecule was discussed in Unit 2 attend that was a form of protein? Discuss why shape is important in their function.

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