doable dissertation study, Doctoral Discussion 2 parts help

Part 1

To implement a “doable” dissertation study, the doctoral learner must transition from a topic of interest to identifying gap in the extant research. That is, the dissertation problem must emerge as a gap from prior research. Discuss the gap you have identified for your dissertation study and the research that outlines the gap for your study. How is your dissertation topic justified by prior research? Explain.

Part 2 

The Background of the Problem section in Chapter 2 identifies, based on prior research, the gap or need that informs the topic and problem statement for the research study. Discuss the research gap you have identified for your dissertation study. How does this gap inform the problem statement of the study? How does the problem statement, in turn, inform the theoretical foundation you select for the study? How do the problem statement and theoretical foundation inform the development of content for the study’s literature review?

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