EDDL626 Concordia University Portland Reimagining the Educational Enterprise

School or Program Report and Graphic

Due Saturday

In Week 7, your group will propose an alternative school or program. In this assignment, you will identify the type of alternate school or program that you want to focus on. You and your group will write a three-page report that answers the questions below (and other questions you may derive):

  • What is the name of your proposed school or program?
  • What type of school or program do you propose? Why?
  • What is the targeted population of your school or program (all middle school boys, high school dual credit students, etc.)?
  • What is the setting in which the school or program is located? To which governing agency (national, state, or local) will the school or program be accountable?
  • What delivery model will you use? Why?
  • How will you market and communicate your program to stakeholders? Be specific.
    • How will you promote your team’s vision to your community?
    • How often should the new school’s vision be revisited?
    • Why is having a shared vision critical to a new school design team’s success?
  • Be sure to include a school/program design graphic in your report. Find or create a school design graphic using graphic design software or Microsoft PowerPoint’s graphic shapes to symbolize what you conceive to be your ideal school.

Support your statements with evidence from the Required Studies, other research, and experiences. Cite and reference your sources in APA style.

While your group will craft this assignment together, your group’s Week 2 project manager is responsible for submitting the school/program report and graphic on behalf of your group.

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