GEA2 Interview Assignment: Connecting Local to Global

In a well-organized and well-written essay of three-to-four pages (5 pages max; full 3 pages minimum), you will address the question of diversity within your fieldwork site from Essay 1. This assignment will ask you to do a semi-structured interview with a participant about diversity at your field institution and relate your question to broader global issues.

  1. Address a diversity-based problem or issue based on prior participant observation at your field setting. What social problem or issue did you observe that might be an issue at your field site? You should use your prior observations, course readings, discussions, and current events to develop and support a strong thesis statement about the problem of diversity at your field institution. Examples of a diversity-based problem from the course may be race and racism, ethnicity, gender or sexuality, class, globalism, etc.
  2. Semi-structured interview. These allow you to get in-depth information from a particular person based upon existing data, such as your results from participant observation. You will develop a list of 3-6 questions to ask your participant about the problem you identified. You must take notes during your interview, transcribe them into a Word document, and turn them in along with your essay. Your transcript should not be part of the essay.
  3. Analysis. You should re-read your interview and identify themes that are related to your diversity-based issue. How do your participant’s responses relate to the problem that you identified?
  1. Connecting local to global. What is the relationship between the problem you identified in your work and larger global concerns? Use topics from class discussion, materials from the textbook and course readings to help you connect your local results to global trends and conditions.

You will turn in two deliverables in one document: Analysis Paper and Interview Transcript. Put the Interview Transcript AFTER your 3-5 page analysis paper. The Interview Transcript does not count towards the length of the report.

1. Analysis Essay. Your essay should cover the following points:

  1. A brief description of the diversity-based issue you are examining and why your field site is a good place to study it.
  2. A brief description of your interviewee and how they are a part of your field site. Why was it a good idea to interview them?
  3. An analysis of your interview. What were the major points that emerged from the interview?
  4. An analysis of how your interviewee’s answers related to the diversity-based issue you are studying. Did any other diversity-related issue emerge?
  5. A brief write-up of the relationship between the problem you identified in your work and larger global concerns? Use topics from class discussion, materials from the textbook and course readings to help you connect your local results to global trends and conditions.
  6. A reflection on what went well about the interview and the participant observation and what you might have done differently if you did it again.

2. Interview Transcript. Write up the questions for your semi-structured interview and your notes about your participants’ answers. Place this after your Analysis Essay with a page break.

As with the first assignment, GEA2 should be turned in as a Microsoft Word document in 12-pt. font with 1” margins. You do not need to put a header on the document. If you cite any references or use quotes from sources they should use Chicago Style, Author-Date version. Quotes from interviews are not cited in Chicago style, they are referenced with a pseudonym in place of the person’s name. It is appropriate, and common practice, to include a small sample of your interviewee’s own words in your essay as long as they are referenced with the pseudonym. You may not directly copy any part of GEA1 to turn in as part of GEA2.

I attached my previous GEA assignments as well. ******

Notes from my professor on GEA1 Pitch Your Idea: “You mention you want to interview a professor, but what is the *site* that you will be doing participant observation in? It cannot be USF as a whole, it has to be a local place where you can sit and do participant observation. The library? The Marshall Center? A classroom? When you think about the question, think of the culture that can be observed at that specific local site”

Notes from my professor on GEA1 Participant Observation ASsignment: Addison, you have some good ideas in here. A couple main points of mine: I am concerned that you did not do much observation as directed in the rubric which made it difficult to identify patterns and values. You do talk about working hard and stress which points to work ethic which could get you somewhere interesting, and I’m sure will come up for any student you interview and is relevant, BUT this should have been based on concrete observations, which I don’t see from your report or notes. You say someone was almost in tears, but how do we know this was from stress about schoolwork? You should not try to identify how hard a person is working just by looking–this is better served by an interview. Let’s start with some more basic things, like the expectation that people will be quiet in a space. Does that mean everyone follows that rule? What happens if people don’t follow it (do they get dirty looks, do other people roll their eyes, etc)? What might you observe in groups of people who are studying together, how they interact? Also, please proofread! Let me know if you have questions.

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