Go online to a news media website such as the Orlando Sentinel, Washington Post, or New York Times, and find an article about a criminal law

Question: Chapter 3

Classical theorist, such as Beccaria and Bentham felt punishment should serve as a deterrent to offenders (specific) and to the public (general). Go online to a news media website such as the Orlando Sentinel, Washington Post, or New York Times, and find an article about a criminal law and discuss its potential deterrent effects, both as a means of specific deterrence and general deterrence.

In your response, discuss the purpose for the law, its penalties, and provide an example of a person being arrested/prosecuted for the crime. In your opinion, does the law serve as an effective deterrent? In giving your answer, apply the three factors observed by Beccaria regarding the effectiveness of punishment as deterrence (Refer to pages 44-46). What would be a more effective alternative? Do not include online sex stings involving child predators. I say this because, from my experience, half the class will submit child sex stings as an example. Find something else.

This answer should be at least 300 words in length. Include a link to your article with your original post so your classmates (or me) can view it.

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