Hea 471 Chapter 8 Organizational Ethics and the Law Discussion

Forum: Quick Write-Ups for Chapter 8 Organizational Ethics and the LawOrganize Forum Threads on this page and apply settings to several or all threads. Threads are listed in a tabular format. The Threads can be sorted by clicking the column title or the caret at the top of each column. More HelpFORUM DESCRIPTIONPlease pickONEof the following four prompts and indicate theNUMBERof your choice when you create a thread (in the exact style — e.g., My Thoughts on #10).#3 Describe the important aspects of a code of ethics for organizations.#5 Describe corporate negligence, respondeat superior, and independent contractor.#7 Discuss how an organization’s decisions can collide with professional ethics.#8 Discuss importance of effective communications.Please write in college and professional style.  Be organized and focused on the chosen topic; be not emotional or proselytizing.  Cite sources when you quote.

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