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History 2, Assignment 2

Read from chapters 15, 16, and 17 of the textbook.

Answer any five of the following questions.

Each answer should be 2 substantial paragraphs in length. Each answer should contain information with citations from the textbook throughout the answer, for example (Backman, page 110). Please do not use any additional sources.

If you are attaching a document, you must use one of the following file types: .doc, .docx, .pdf, .wpd, .rtf

1. Outline the major, long-term consequences of the Peace of Westphalia.

2. In what ways was the eighteenth century a period of prosperity? And for whom?

3. What were the causes of the English Civil War?

4. What role did the English Civil War and the revocation of the Edict of Nantes play in the


5. Compare and contrast the philosophies of Rousseau and Voltaire.

6. What did the Enlightenment mean for Jews?

7. To what extent did the French Revolution further the cause of “freedom?”

8. Make the case that Napoleon was a visionary statesman.

9. Make the case that Napoleon was a power-obsessed warmonger.

10. What combination of events led to the Ottoman Tanzimat program?

You need the book…. in order to do the assignment.. the name of the book is listed below with the author.

Author: Backman

Title: The Cultures of the West A History, Volume 2

Publisher: Oxford University Press


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