Implicit Bias

Implicit  bias involves associations outside conscious awareness that leads to a  negative evaluation of a person on the basis of irrelevant  characteristics such as race, age or gender.  The assignment is to take  any one of the Implicit Association Tests (IAT) to measure attitudes and  beliefs you may not know about consciously.  The IAT may be especially  interesting if it shows that you have an implicit bias attitude that you  did not know about.  For example, you may believe that women and men  should be equally associated with science, but your automatic  associations could show that you (like many others) associate men with  science more than you associate women with science1.Log on to the Implicit Project:  Follow the directions and take an IAT on a topic of your choice3.  What did you discover about yourself?4.  Were you aware of the implicit bias you had toward the characteristic you selected?5.  How will you use this information to guide your nursing practice?Scholarly aricle usimg APA format. Please include the doi. No grammar Error.

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