IT Strategic Initiative, management homework help

the uploded topic should be about the IT company ACCENTURE.

Strategic IT Initiatives: You will craft four to six strategic IT initiatives for your department that, as a set of initiatives, adhere to the following

: A. IT Department SWOT: Your strategic IT initiatives should represent your conclusions from the IT department SWOT. In other words, the initiatives you create should be aligned with identified strengths and opportunities of the IT department and address identified weaknesses and threats.

 B. Vision, Mission, Values: Your IT initiatives should align to the values of the organization and the IT values of your own department, as well as with the vision you articulated for your group and the mission statement you crafted.

 C. Ethics and Law: IT initiatives should also model best practices in IT governance, as supported by external and internal IT standards. 

You are encouraged to use this prompt section as a guide for how you should structure your response. Remember, each IT initiative, you must address items A, B, and C above. 

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