Legal Aspects of Health Information

Unit outcomes addressed in this Assignment:Discuss the issues surrounding ownership of health information.Explain the access and disclosure rights of patients.Discuss issues related to managing the release of information.Course outcomes addressed in this Assignment:HI135-4: Describe the regulations and requirements surrounding the release of information.HI135-5: Analyze state and federal regulations which govern the release of protected health information.Instructions: The CEO of a healthcare facility has asked you to develop a diversity awareness training program for employees of the hospital as it pertains to the legal and ethical implications of health information.You will create a PowerPoint presentation discussing the rights and obligations of the healthcare workforce regarding access and disclosure of health information and summarizing the issues related to managing the release of information. You will complete the PowerPoint by outlining thoroughly researched responses from this module’s Reading to the following questions/topics:Who owns the patient’s health record?What are access and disclosure rights of competent and incompetent adults?When are minors allowed to authorize access or disclosure of their own health information?How is sensitive information related to behavioral health, substance abuse, HIV/AIDS, Adoption, STDs, and other communicable diseases and genetics protected from unauthorized access and disclosure?What does the legal concept of “duty to warn” refer to and how does it relate to the issue of disclosure of patient information?What must a healthcare provider do to ensure proper release of patient information?Evaluate the possible assumptions, biases, and stereotypes that relate to disease conditions.

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