need help with my final paper

PR TEXT BOOK 1.pdf PR TEXT BOOK 2.pdf PR TEXTBOOK 3.pdf PR outline 2.doc Hello Dr.Henry, I hope you are doing well, You helped me with the outline about diabetes awareness campaign 2 weeks ago, I need now to write it as final paper.. this is the final paper description:

Paper content guidelines: Students should prepare a strategic public relations Final Paper falling within the category of either: a project, a program, or a campaign. Definition of these terms may be found in the course textbook (Ronald Smith) in the exhibit at the top of page 15. The Paper should developed following steps contained in the four Phases outlined in the course textbook (pp.15-17).

Paper length: The Final paper should consist of ten (10) pages (including a cover sheet and bibliography

or reference sheet). 

Paper organization guidelines: Students should prepare the Final paper according to guidelines  outlined in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association or A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations, Kate L. Turabian (7th Ed.).

So, we already choose the topic which is campaign about death associated with diabetes. I uploaded the pages from the textbook that has the four phases and i also uploaded the paper outline. One more thing, talk about diabetes in the world but especially in Saudi Arabia. waiting for your response.

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