Cellular Respiration vs Photosynthesis ProjectGrading: This project is worth 45 points.The goal of this project is to creatively describe the processes of photosynthesis and cellular respiration. You will also include the connections between the two processes while comparing them to each other.You may pick any creative media/expression you wish as long as the information in the rubric is included. Some ideas for creative expression are below, you are not limited to these you may come up with your own. Be sure to include a written summary or transcript of your project. For instance if you record yourself doing an interpretive dance I need a written summary describing what is happening in the dance and how that relates to the two processes. If you do a video or perhaps have a narrator for your interpretive dance include a transcript of what your narrator says in case the audio is hard to hear. If you need more than two people to perform your creative account you may recruit volunteers to help you perform but the plot etc must be designed by you and your partner. For instance you could recruit backup dancers but you must determine the choreography and how it tells the story you wish.Creative Ideas (Pick one or create your own):? Song at least 2 minutes long, any genre of music, lyrics typed, and song recorded. Submit both recording and typed lyric? Comic Strip must include all the necessary information and make the connection between photosynthesis and respiration.? Poem must include all the necessary information and make the connection between photosynthesis and respiration.? Childrens book- must include all the necessary information and make the connection between photosynthesis and respiration.? Interpret Dance- must include all the necessary information and make the connection between photosynthesis and respiration. Submit both recording and typed explanation and narration transcript.? Theatrical Performance/Movie/Skit- must include all the necessary information and make the connection between photosynthesis and respiration. Submit both recording and typed explanation and narration transcript.? Newspaper- Make a newspaper with stories covering photosynthesis and cellular respiration.? Draw or paint the process- must include all the necessary information and make the connection between photosynthesis and respiration. Submit a written description of what the drawing is depicting if you do not want to label and write on your drawing.What you need to include for full credit:Cellular Respiration (12 points total see break down below)Overall equation of cellular respiration: include reactants and products. You do not have to write it out but you must at least include what the reactants and products are and how of many of each are used/produced. (3 points)Where does it occur in a eukaryotic cell, which organelles (2 points)What are the steps of the process (5 points)What type(s) of organisms perform this process (bacteria, plants, animals, fungi?) (1 point)What is the goal of this process? Why is it important to the cell? (1 point)Photosynthesis (12 points total see break down below)Overall equation of photosynthesis: include reactants and products. You do nothave to write it out but you must at least include what the reactants andproducts are and how of many of each are used/produced. (3 points)Where does it occur in a eukaryotic cell, which organelles (2 points)What are the steps of the process (5 points)What type(s) of organisms perform this process (bacteria, plants, animals,fungi?) (1 point)What is the goal of this process? Why is it important to the cell? (1 point)Describe the connections between these two processes. (6 points total see break down below)How do they interact and influence one another (2 points)What happens if an organism can only do cellular respiration? (2 points)What would happen if all the photosynthesizers disappeared from the planet? (2 points)Creativity (10 points total see a break down below)The project is original, creative, and well thought out (7 points)The project is neat clear and understandable (3 points)Works Cited (5 points)a. MLA format; 2 or more sources (these can be written at the end of yourtranscript if doing a video)
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