Reflective journal

PLEASE READ THE DIRECTIONS CAREFULLY.  THIS REFLECTIVE JOURNAL IS REFLECTIVE OF ENTIRE 4 WEEK CLASS:PLEASE SUBMIT TO THE DROP BOX BY THE DUE DATEThis assignment is a brief summary OF THE 4 WEEK CLASS.  In other words, what did you learn from this class.  This should be no more than 5-6 paragraphs or about one full page, and have at least one cited reference.  Review the grading rubric below to determine if you have met, partially met, or not met criteria for this assignment.Submit in the Drop box by the due dateReflective Journal GuidelinesReflect upon the four week class.Write a brief summary about the lessons of the course.What did you learn from the class assignments?Explain how you could adapt and/or apply these tools to your career as a RN.No more than one page.Clearly written using APA format.Use at least one reference.Grading RubricContent           60%Approx 1 page  20%APA, spelling     20%Total:  100%

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