UMUC Disability in Society Disability Journal Entry

Below are the required learning resources for this week.

Museum of DisABILITY – Virtual Museum

The Museum of DisABILITY in Buffalo, NY has a wonderful virtual museum that explores the history of disability rights in the US. Tour the museum and examine how disability has been considered by the media, the medical community, education, and society. Learn about advocacy efforts that have changed attitudes and behaviors towards those who are differently abled.

Disability History Timeline

Disability History Exhibit

A Guide to Disability Rights Laws

ADA and Rehabilitation Act Compliance and Other Disability-Related Laws

The Americans with Disabilities Act: A Brief Overview

Supreme Court Rulings Addressing the ADA

Accommodation and Compliance Series: The ADA Amendments Act of 2008

Disability Resources

Disability Rights, Encyclopedia of Human Rights

Disability, International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences

Disability, Adulthood, Encyclopedia of the Life Course and Human Development

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