women working in criminal justice field QUIZ

There are 25 Multiple Choice, True False, Short Answer and 1 Essay from information covered in Module 4. You will have 90 minutes to complete the exam. If you reach the time limit, the exam will close and automatically submit your answers. Once all tests are graded, I will make the exam available for students to review their responses.

For this learning module, please study the following materials. You will need to understand the concepts presented here to complete the assignments.


  • Belknap, J. (2015). The Invisible Woman: Gender, Crime and Justice, 4th edition. Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning.
    • Chapter 10: “Women Working in Prisons and Jails”
    • Chapter 11: “Women Working in Policing and Law Enforcement”
    • Chapter 12: “Women Working in the Courts”
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