Drama Essay English homework help

. Carefully read the following sections and fiction titles from Portable Literature: Reading, Reacting, Writing:

Chapter 25: Understanding Drama

  • Kirzner & Mandell
    • “Dramatic Literature”, “Origins of Modern Drama”, “Defining Drama”, “Recognizing Kinds of Drama”

  • Anton Chekhov, The Brute

Chapter 26: Drama Sampler: Ten-Minute Plays

  • Kimberly Pau, Magic 8 Ball
  • Harold Pinter, Applicant

Chapter 27: Plot

  • Kirzner & Mandell
    • “Plot Structure”, “Plot Development”

  • Susan Glaspell, Trifles
  • Henrik Ibsen, A Doll House

Chapter 28: Character

  • Kirzner & Mandell
    • “Characters’ Words”, “Characters’ Actions”, “Stage Directions”, “Actors’ Interpretations”

  • Paul Dooley and Winnie Holzman, Post-its
  • William Shakespeare, Hamlet

Chapter 29: Staging

  • Kirzner & Mandell
    • “Stage Directions”, “The Uses of Staging”

  • Michael Salomon, The Date
  • Sophocles, Oedipus the King

Chapter 30: Theme

  • Kirzner & Mandell
    • “Titles”, “Conflicts”, “Dialogue”, “Characters”, “Staging”

  • August Wilson, Fences

When citing drama, page numbers are not used in the parenthetical reference (unless the play has only one act, as in the student essay in your literature book).  Usually, the act, scene, and line numbers are used; for example, (I.ii.25-27) or (1.2.25-27) would denote Act I, Scene 2, lines 25-27 as the reference for the quote it followed. Either choice, the use of Roman numerals or Arabic numerals, is workable as long as you stay consistent throughout the essay. However, Ibsen’s play contains three acts and no scenes; each spoken entry is numbered as a paragraph, not as a line.  For the purposes of this assignment then, include the act number and entry number of your citations, separated by a period, within your parentheses  [(3.220), for example, would show Act 3, speaker entry #220—Helmer, in this instance].

Be sure to block and identifydialoguebetween two or more characters when you are citing.  The following example comes from theMLA Handbook, page 85:

A short time later, Lear loses the final symbol of his former power, the soldiers who make up his train:

  GONERIL.  Hear me, my lord.  What need you five-and-twenty,

 ten or five,

  To follow in a house where twice so many

  Have a command to tend to you?

  REGAN.  What need one?

  LEAR.  O, reason not the need!  (2.4.254-58)

[Note that this example is used to show blocking anddialogue.  Since it is an example from Shakespeare’sKing Lear, the parenthetical reference reflects the playwright’s use of acts, scenes, and line numbers, unlike A Doll House.]

If you are only citing one character’s lines and it is clear to the reader through your introduction of the quotation, no identification is needed.

Writ Essay   750-1000  Words

Drama Essay

 should use these terms and concepts in your essays (attached)

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how did the American Medical Association AMA influence the training of Medical assignment help

Historically, how did the American Medical Association (AMA) influence the training of Medical Professionals in the USA?

The trend of “specialization” in the Medical professions in the USA has had both good and not so good effects on the provision of health care.Discuss this statement.

avoid copy from the internet

if so, you should cite the source

at least 200 words


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Stanford Prison Simulation Question social science homework help

http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0420293/  (Re: Zimbardo – A movie you might want to see)

Please create your own thread and respond to several of your peers. Minimum of two responses required weekly.

Topics this week:

1. Stanford Prison Simulation: Look for some of the information on the Standford Prison Simulation. Phillip Zimbardo maintains a website for the experiment, linking it to contemporary issues like the abuse of prisoners at Abu Ghraib during US military action in Iraq. You should also be able to link this to World War II. Please look at this website and provide your reactions in terms of the legitimacy of this kind of research. Feel free to be totally honest.


As you think about the experiment, think about things like Nazi Germany when seemingly ordinary citizens behaved in very extraordinary ways… and not always good ways.

Think about what motivated them to alter their ‘regular’ behaviors. How many of us would alter our behavior under dire and stressful conditions?

OR, perhaps even better:

A Similar Experiment

Go here to consider this one: http://www.simplypsychology.org/milgram.html

Stanley Milgram, a psychologist at Yale University, conducted an experiment focusing on the conflict between obedience to authority and personal conscience.

He examined justifications for acts of genocide offered by those accused at the World War II, Nuremberg War Criminal trials. Their defense often was based on “obedience” – that they were just following orders of their superiors.

The experiments began in July 1961, a year after the trial of Adolf Eichmann in Jerusalem. Milgram devised the experiment to answer the question “Could it be that Eichmann and his million accomplices in the Holocaust were just following orders? Could we call them all accomplices?” (Milgram, 1974).

Milgram (1963) wanted to investigate whether Germans were particularly obedient to authority figures as this was a common explanation for the Nazi killings in World War II.

Milgram selected participants for his experiment by advertising for male participants to take part in a study of learning at Yale University. The procedure was that the participant was paired with another person and they drew lots to find out who would be the ‘learner’ and who would be the ‘teacher’. The draw was fixed so that the participant was always the teacher, and the learner was one of Milgram’s confederates (pretending to be a real participant).

You can choose to read about Stanley Milgram‘s experiment/s on obedience. Same things.. think about what motivated these people to alter their behaviors and continue the experiment.

Check out the movie that depicts this quite successfully: Experimenter (2015)

I watched it recently on either Netflix or Amazon. It was well done. And it did explain very nicely Milgram‘s motives. It also pointed out the flaws in his research.

Here are some sites to assist:




http://www.magpictures.com/experimenter/  (Re: Milgram – A movie you might want to see)

2. Read the first 3 chapters of Bad Blood: The Tuskegee Shyphillis Experiments. Cite three things from your reading that made a strong impression on you and discuss them here.


OPTIONAL: Go read about the Institutional Review Board and the Belmont Report and explain how the advent of the Institutional Review Board and the Belmont Report might have affected this type of experimentation (Stanford Prison) and discuss the changed meaning of appropriate research. Click on research ethics at http://www.gifted.uconn.edu/siegle/research/Ethics/ethics.htm

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probability distribution Algebra 2 Help

Please check my answers and help with the others.

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Essay two different indoor theme parks writing homework help

The essay is about two different indoor theme parks. guidelines will be attached when accepted as well as the outline. NO REFERENCES. 

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Unit 9 Journal

For this Journal entry, demonstrate an understanding of the relevance of economic concepts within the healthcare sector. Your Journal entry should be at least 500 words, and cite appropriate references.


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analysis of specific financial data of Bob Smith Inc management homework help


The Assignment requires an analysis of specific financial data of Bob Smith Inc.

Bob is an existing bank customer. When the loan to Bob was originally made in 2013

The bank required Bob to increase the YE 2014 cash balance to at least $70,000. The

Cash Flow Statement and Balance Sheet show an actual YE 2014 cash balance of less

Than $34,000.The Assignment requires participation in a team effort to complete the (partially

Prepared) 2014 Cash Flow Statement. In Seminar 1 you discussed how to complete

And use the 2014 Cash Flow Statement outcomes to explain how specific accounts

Influenced Bob’s low cash balances…in other words…some reasons why Bob has no

Cash! This information allows you to substantiate the 2015 loan denial. You are aware this

Action will create dire financial circumstances for Bob’s company. As the loan officer you must pass along the news in a business letter that is most professional and written in an

Objective manner. Please use values in the letter whenever possible.

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Electrical Engineering engineering homework help

Question #1


A circuit consists of three resistors in series, with values 200 W, 100 W and 60 W.

This series circuit is connected across a battery with an output voltage of 36 volts.


a.  (4) What is the current flowing in this series circuit?


b.  (4) What is the power dissipated in the 100 Ω resistor in the circuit described in (a) above.


c.   (4) The battery is replaced by a sine wave source with a frequency of 60.0 Hz and a peak voltage of 50.9 volts.  What is the rms current flowing in the 100Ω resistor?


d.   (4) In the circuit described in part (c) above, how much power is dissipated in the 100 W resistor?


e.  (5) A telephone handset has a resistance of 600 W.  It is connected to the local telephone exchange at a distance of 5 km by a twisted pair.  Each wire in the pair has a resistance of 100 W per km.


The telephone exchange has a 48.0 V battery that is connected to the twisted pair through a

 400 W resistor.  What is the DC current through the handset when it is off-hook?




Question #2


 A circuit consists of a sine wave signal generator and a reactive component (L or C).

The output of the generator is a sine wave with a peak amplitude of 8.88 volts at a frequency of          10.0 kHz. (Be sure you know the correct units for your capacitor, inductor.)


a.  (4) The generator is connected to an inductor with L = 10.0 mH.  What is the rms current flowing in the inductor?


b.  (4) The generator is connected to a capacitor with C = 0.0250 mF.  What is the rms current

     flowing in the capacitor?


c.  (4) What is the power dissipated in the capacitor in part (b) above?









Question #3 


 a.  (4) A FM radio station transmits at a frequency of 89.9 MHz.  A radio receiver has a telescoping rod (as seen on most portable FM radio receivers) antenna that is a quarter wavelength long monopole. What is the optimum length of this antenna to receive the F M station, correct to the nearest cm?


b.  (5) AM radio stations vary the amplitude of the transmitted signal in order to convey the program information. The signal has the form of v(t) = A cos(2Ï€ft + Ï•).  When there is no modulation (i.e. the amplitude is constant), the radio station delivers 1000 watts into a 50Ω antenna (i.e. the antenna acts as if it is a 50Ω resistor) and it has a frequency of 1.5 MHz.  Fill in the appropriate values for the v(t) that appears at the antenna: A, f and Ï•.


v(t) =


c.  (4) Typical AM radio stations limit the highest frequency transmitted in the program material to 5000 Hz.


Is this adequate for voice transmission?  Explain.


Is this adequate for music transmission?  Explain.


Question #4


(5) A signal generator outputs a unipolar square wave with a period of 0.50 ms with an amplitude of 2.0 V.  The output of the generator is passed through an ideal band pass filter that has a pass band that extends from 1.0 kHz to 9.0 kHz (i.e. it passes all frequencies between 1.0 kHz and 9.0 kHz and rejects everything else).  List the peak amplitude (in volts) and frequency (in kHz) of each wave that is present at the filter output.



Question #5


A signal generator outputs a sine wave signal with a frequency of 2000 Hz and an rms voltage of 1.0 V.  The output of the signal generator is connected to a 50 Ω resistor.


a.  (5) What is the power dissipated in the 50 W resistor in watts, in dBW, and in dBm?


b.  (5) An amplifier with a gain of 100  (i.e. the output power is 100 times greater than the input power) over the frequency range 0 Hz to 10 kHz is placed in the circuit between the signal generator and the resistor.  What is the power dissipated in the 50 W resistor in watts, dBW, and dBm now?  Do you calculation in dB units and then convert to watts.


c.  (5) An attenuator (an attenuator REDUCES the power level by the specified dB)  with a fixed attenuation of 6.0 dB over the frequency range 0 Hz to 10 kHz is placed in the circuit between the amplifier and the resistor.  What is the power dissipated in the 50 W resistor in watts and dBm now?



Question #6. 


An audio signal has a bandwidth that extends from 100 Hz to 10 kHz. It is passed through a low pass filter that has a cutoff of 10 kHz but it is not an ideal filter.  The signal is sampled to create a PAM signal and then digitized by a linear 10 bit analog to digital converter (ADC).  The digital signal is transmitted as a serial bit stream to a distant location where it is converted to parallel words and input to a digital to analog converter (DAC).  The output of the DAC is passed through a low pass filter. 


a.  (4) The sampling rate is to be 1.2 times the Nyquist rate.  What is the sampling frequency?



b.  (4) What is the bit rate at the output of the ADC?


c.  (4) What is the best cut off frequency for the low pass filter at the receiving end of the link?  You may assume that the filter is ideal.


d.  (4) What is the quantization SNR at the output of thelow pass filter?




Question #7


A 1μF capacitor is charged through a 100kΩ resistor through a switch from a 12V battery.  Initially the capacitor is discharged.  See Figure A.15 in the text.


a.  (4) What is the time constant of this circuit? (Be sure the units are correct)



b.  (5) The switch is closed and the capacitor starts to charge. 

What is the capacitor voltage

just at the instant the witch is closed?           


after t = ½ a time constant


after t = 1 time constant


after t = 2 time constants


after t = 5 time constants



The 1μF  capacitor is charged to 12V.  Now the switch and the resistor are in series connected across the capacitor.  The switch is closed and the capacitor starts to discharge.


c.  (4) Does this change the circuit time constant?   



d.  (5) What is the capacitor voltage

just at the instant the witch is closed?           


After t = ½ a time constant


After t = 1 time constant


After t = 2 time constants


After t = 5 time constants



10 pt of extra credit:  Plot of the capacitor voltage vs time.  Use your spreadsheet plotting function.  Plot capacitor voltage on the y axis and time x axis in time constants, i.e. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 time constants for both the charge and the discharge.  You will have two plots.  Plots must be properly label

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Trying Out Meditative Voice writing homework help

Please dontr make it too long It should be fairly small. Just answering whats required.

Find any Bible story of your choosing. Glance through the Gospel of Mark and find one of Jesus’ healing accounts. Print it out and step away from the computer. Go somewhere else—maybe in nature and read the passage imagining what it would be like to be each of the characters present in that story, including Jesus. What is that person feeling? What is that person thinking? What are they hoping for? What are they anticipating? What are they learning? Ask yourself these questions and more as you read. Give yourself at least 7 minutes to do this. Then come back to the computer to complete this assignment.


…Finished?   Answer the following questions:

  1. What healing story did you read and where did you go to read it?
  2. How did you like meditating in this way? If you believe in God, did you find yourself becoming more attentive to him? How so? (It’s also all right if you didn’t find yourself being more attentive to God)
  3. Did you spend at least 7 minutes doing this exercise?

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Explain how organizations use social media to communicate with their consumers marketing assignment help

You have been assigned the task as Marketing Manager to scan social media web sites and try to mitigate the negative consumer postings from a recent crisis. Explain how organizations use social media to communicate with their consumers through a crisis and evaluate how the negative comments were handled by the organizations. Assess a recommendation for better communication and explain why.

Must be two to four double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style

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